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thumper86 5 May 2007 13:17

oil change
Just changed oil and filter on my 1vj and cracked the oil filter cover,how brittle is that!!! Anyway after oil and filter change the bike runs rough and is a pig to tickover with black smoke coming out end can,like its runing too rich!!It hasnt got a air filter in it so cant be airflow and not spitting oil out!!It werent like thus before,any ideas chaps??

*Touring Ted* 8 May 2007 18:46

How you over filled it ?? Sounds like too much oil pressure.

Check the crank case breather pipe isnt blocked or spitting oil too.

thumper86 17 May 2007 19:31

No not over filled ted,and breathers not blocked either!!Do you think might be choke stuck on as smells really rich when running!!

*Touring Ted* 17 May 2007 19:37


Originally Posted by thumper86 (Post 136680)
No not over filled ted,and breathers not blocked either!!Do you think might be choke stuck on as smells really rich when running!!

So it was running fine until you changed the oil and oil filter ??

After running, is the oil level correct ??

Its a very unlikey that an oil change can lead to your running problems.

I suppose its possible that you can installed the oil filter incorrectly, or maybe have an airlock in the oil system which could be causing these issues.

You done anything else ??

thumper86 17 May 2007 20:08

when done oil change put new filter in and did open bleed screw until oil came out!!Didnt touch anything else,its like chalk and cheese!!Wont even start now,read above thread ted!!

thumper86 18 May 2007 17:56

Got bike started again(see previous thread)and reason sha smoked after oil change was the choke was stuck on!!Looking for why she smoked so took spark plug out and was really sooty,cleaned that and looked into why so rich and saw choke cable was not releasing back in propley so thanks guys who helped!!Its great to know your not alone!!

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