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Oil Pump Help? Klaus/aukeboss/xtfrog......
I'm just trying to finalize my oil pump replacement. I hope you guys can bear with me as I want to get this right the first time.
A week or so ago xtfrog graciously volunteered part # info for the upgraded oil pump swap. Unfortunatly those #'s didn't mesh with my dealer in Canada. My bike is a 1986 xt 600s Canadian model with 34L motor So: I went to bikebandit, an online OEM parts retailer in the us and found. For 1986 oil pump kit 3AJ $240.83 does anyone know what the kit consist of? oil pump gear kit $ 65.80 link here OEM (Stock) Parts 1986 Yamaha XT600S at BikeBandit.com For 1991 oil pump $121.99 oil pump gear $ 14.23 link here OEM (Stock) Parts 1991 Yamaha XT600EB at BikeBandit.com By the sounds of Klaus's previous oil pump explaination in xt600 tips I should be able to use the parts from the 1991 bike as they are all the same after 1988. By doing so it would seem I could save a significant amount of money. Thoughts? comments? Perhaps the"1986 kit" contains all the necessary parts for the job? Many thanks for your expert help in sorting this out. Pawlie |
Hi Pawlie,
My understanding is that any oil pump post 1989 will be fine. On that basis, not only is your 1986 pump twice the price, it won't even do you any good! I paid around 130 Euros for the pump and gear in Europe, for what its worth. Sorry my part numbers didn't work for you. Why manufacturers use different part no.s for the same item in different countries is a continuing mystery to me. |
The link you sent indicates '3AJ' for the expensive oil pump, and nothing for the cheap one. Now, the 3AJ is exactly the one you want, but I think there is a mistake there. I think the cheap one is also a 3AJ.
I'd order the cheap one as it is 95% sure a 3AJ pump. When you receive it, check the '3AJ' is stamped on it. Then for the gears; the newer XT's have a different primary drive (teeth on the clutch housing), so you might need the 3AJ gear on your 34L engine. I'd order the cheap gear, when it does not fit you can always get the expensive one later. Auke |
xtfrog & aukeboss,
Thanks for the input guys. I'll order up the cheaper parts and report how it works out! Pawlie |
Update on Install
Hello Gang,
I just wanted to update folks on my oil pump installation as I think the info might be valuable to others (particularly in N.America) wanting to do this upgrade. The bits went in the bike the other day and everything appears to mesh as it should. I removed my old pump and as expected the oil pump was marked 5Y1 The new pump as expected was marked 3AJ. I placed both the old and new side by side and upon initial inspection I panicked as the new pump body appeared deeper than the old. In fact it is deeper. This problem is overcome/countered by the fact that the new drive wheel attached to the pump shaft has a shallower dish to it. The wheel is convex and has less of a curve . Although both the new wheel and pump are dimensionally different when compared to their old equivalents,when combined together properly and measured from the crankcase out they are exactly the same distance. The gear wheel on the pump body aligns up perfectly with the gear on the backside of the clutch that drives the entire mechanism. Just don't combine a new pump with an old wheel or visa versa. When ordering parts ensure that you replace both items or this swap will not work on a 1986 bike. My bike is a N.American model xt 600 1986. The pump and wheel were ordered from the parts list linked above under 1991 xt and were much cheaper than the kit listed for a 1986 machine. My bike has received a sucessful heart transplant! Does that mean I get surgeon's wages from now on? Somehow I don't think so. Many thanks to again to Klaus for his original XT 600 tips that inspired the swap and to aukeboss and xtfrog for their help in making this happen. Cheers, Pawlie |
Just went through all this on my bike and wanted to add something here. I had previously installed a 5Y1 pump in my '92 XT but found out that, due to less oil flow, this was not the way to go. So I am back to using the pump that came with the bike (3AJ) combined with a new drive gear (3AJ also) from bike bandit. When I installed the original pump (3AJ) with the new gear I noticed that the gear on the back of the clutch does not line up with the 3AJ gear on the oil pump. It is slightly off, maybe only by an 1/8th of an inch. So then I tried the 5y1 gear and noticed that this gear, combined with the 3AJ pump lined up perfectly with the gear on the back of the clutch housing.
Confused yet? :confused1: What I experienced is exactly the opposite of what pawlie went through, only difference being is that my bike is a '92 model. I didn't use the 5Y1 gear with my 3AJ pump because I wanted to leave it exactly how it was originally. Even though it doesn't seem ideal to have the gears off by an 1/8th of an inch, this is the way the bike came from the factory.... |
Good Prices for OEM Parts Online
Hi Guys.
Read this thread and just wanted to suggest from recent experience, as I had to buy numerous, mostly engine parts for my 94' XT 600E this year that would have cost $800+ online from other vendors including that mentioned earlier in this thread, that I've been sourcing parts from a supplier out of Indiana in the USA (ServiceHonda), that have parts catalogs online for different makes and many different models of each and that utilize the manufacturers part nos instead of the vendors own part nos., and that give a 30% discount on OEM parts right off, so long as the parts are ordered on-line. Their list prices shown on their website shopping carts (before application of their above mentioned standard discount on OEM parts) are the same as or close to the final selling prices of other vendors. Have no complaints so far re the OEM parts they've supplied, their service and definitely their prices. This is not an ad for anyone. I just thought that if you can save on your OEM parts purchases, as I did to the tune of almost $300, and get decent service at the same time, then these suppliers are worthy of patronage and that this info may be worth passing on. |
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