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kentbiker 28 Mar 2010 11:44

Pipercross filters
A quick query on these. Their website only lists an air filter for the 90-99 XT600. Will this one fit the 4PT engine too?
And while I'm thinking filters, what's the deal with removal of the snorkel tube off the top of the airbox? Mine seems to be glued in so is it just a case of pulling it off? Anything else to consider?

Thanks all,


Jens Eskildsen 29 Mar 2010 18:29

I've got a pipercorrs filter on my 2003 xt600e. Try to do a search, there was a topic a week'ish back where I posted a link to my simple mods to fit the filter.

My top cover on the airbox was screwed in with 4 little bolts. It makes the bike "breathe" easier, and can help with more low end umpf combined with a modified exhasut, or an aftermarked one. Its not a crazy increase in power, but it helps a bit.

03XT600E 29 Mar 2010 20:10

I asked the same question a couple of weeks back as the dealers on ebay and elsewhere only listed the pipercross for upto a 99 XT600 but it also fits my 02/03 xt600e.

I was reading the archives and someone mentioned that the original paper filter allowed more airflow than the foam filters but I am not sure he was right about that according to this review.

Air Filter Review

The foamfilter seems to equal or beat the paper one on all categories.

With regard to the snorkel I am going to remove mine tomorrow and have a look. I think it will need some kind of screen or mesh to stop dust particles entering the airbox though.

kentfallen 30 Mar 2010 17:44

For the record I fitted a Pipercross Air Filter on my 1999 XT600E and it's been brilliant. The engine feels more responsive since fitting it. It was a simple job too - slide out the OEM filter and place the Pipercross filter inside the filter housing.

I'd certainly reccommend this as a worthwhile improvement over the factory fitted item. :thumbup1:

kentbiker 30 Mar 2010 20:11


Originally Posted by kentfallen (Post 283104)
For the record I fitted a Pipercross Air Filter on my 1999 XT600E and it's been brilliant. The engine feels more responsive since fitting it. It was a simple job too - slide out the OEM filter and place the Pipercross filter inside the filter housing.

I'd certainly reccommend this as a worthwhile improvement over the factory fitted item. :thumbup1:

Neil, can you confirm that you bought the one listed on their website for the 90-99 model?



Guest121 3 Feb 2012 21:29

Sorry for bumping an old thread, but does the one listed for the 90-99 fit a 2003 bike? Is it like a traditional dirt bike foam filter that needs oiling? Does it need a cage like a dirt bike?


kentfallen 7 Feb 2012 18:41

Yes I can confirm that. The bike I fitted it to was my beloved 1999 XT6E. The bike was imported from Poland (Warsaw) by a British soldier in 1999. I bought it in 2005 with only 3,000 miles on it. The bike is still in very good nick (close to immaculate in fact). It's my baby....gets polished more than ridden.

The filter went straight in without a problem. Needs an occasional oil that's all.

Very happy with the result too. :thumbup1:

I think I paid about £40 for the filter including delivery. It was £40 well spent though...

The listed filter on Pipercross website should fit any XT6E including the last ones made in 2002. It just slips into the filter housing.

If you want to have a closer look, I'm just up the road from Dartford?

Sent you a PM Geoff.

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