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debtom6153 13 Apr 2023 06:18

Raptor Carb Conversion
My name is Tom and I live in west Tennessee.I have a 1990 Yamaha XT600 that the stock carbs are worn slam out and can not rebuild.I was reading a few post about Raptor carbs as a good replacement.I need information on jetting the carbs. The motor is completely stock Any information is appreciated.Thanks

mark manley 13 Apr 2023 08:03

Hi Tom and welcome to the forum,

Hopefully someone will be along who can answer your question but if not check out the XT600 thread on Advrider, it is pretty long but the search facility should help find out if anyone there has the answer.


Grant Johnson 16 Apr 2023 22:00

Welcome Tom!
I've moved the thread to the Yamaha Tech forum.

Good luck!

dzl 29 Apr 2023 17:22

I have seen many threads on forums about people going to install raptor carbs onto their XT's or TT 600's......thats always as far as it gets. The other threads I see are from people trying to tune the raptor carbs to suit. Rarely have I seen any feedback saying "all that effort was worth it and my bike now runs better than it ever did!" Save yourself the time/ hassle/ money and find a good second hand stock carb. What is so worn on your carb that renders it non repairable?

turboguzzi 29 Apr 2023 20:54

i did read about an installation report saying bike run just fine with cheap made in china carbs and the stock raptor jetting. and sorry, i did not save it in my bookmarks, but remember thinking to myself: good to know, maybe for a rainy day.

GOOD used carbs are becoming VERY thin on the ground. Having the option of a 40$ new carb set would be actually very appealing if i really needed it.

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