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nomiskx 23 Mar 2003 23:18

Spark Plug Help
I have a 1986 1vj Tenere. My spark plug doesn't look great (the bike has only done 2.500 miles from new... guranteed !) according to what i've read it is showing signs of overheating (milky white grey centre, tiny black and brown spots of the ceramic middle, sooty outside edge).

Can anyone recommend what make and type / number of spark plug I should use ?



GeoffE 24 Mar 2003 00:06

The manuals note either a NGK DPR7EA-9 or DPR8EA-9. I was advised to run the slightly colder DPR8EA-9 in my 3AJ, but have used both.

The NGK sites have some useful technical information. As an example: http://www.ngksparkplugs.com/techinf...overviewp3.asp

[This message has been edited by GeoffE (edited 23 March 2003).]

peterkik 24 Mar 2003 12:57


I ussualy use a 8 but in winter with temperatures below zero a 7 improves starting a lot.
Look at http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb...ML/000396.html for some debate about "plug-reading".


[This message has been edited by peterkik (edited 24 March 2003).]

KlausXT600 24 Mar 2003 19:10

1vj owners are urgently recommended to modify the air box to prevent overheating.
also front fender should be modified.
see previous postings.


FredXTZ 24 Mar 2003 19:49

Ha Klaus,

can you give some more info on the air box modification for 1VJ?

Fred, XTZ660, Holland.

nomiskx 24 Mar 2003 20:49

Hi all,
and thanks for your replies.

Klaus: I have modified the airbox, and the front fender as per your recommendations... you emailed me notes and photos a while ago. I'm also about to fit a larger oil cooler.

I think I'll try a range of plugs as recommended and read up on the threads listed above.

thanks for the advice so far,

KlausXT600 25 Mar 2003 02:16

fred, please allow to make it short:
close the airbox from below (take away the rubber bows).
don't mount the rear cover (behind air filter).
use front fender from 34L, 43F, 55W or 2KF/2NF.
use the first original 1VJ carb settings from '86
please try to find my previous postings first.
(or maybe nomiskx can mail you what i mailed him, sorry i'm a bit short of time).


Mark 23 Aug 2005 18:24


I highly recomend the NGK Iradium tipped plugs.

They took my 3AJ Tenere and my girlfriends 3TB from UK to Aus on a round about route, I changed them for regular plugs in Aus and then changed them back as the old, iradium plugs were still giving better performance.

They improved the lower rpm performance a little, cost twice as much but lasted 3 times as long.

If the recommended grade of plug indicates over heating on your bike, are you sure that your mixture is correct. Has the exhaust system been changed and now youe carb's need adjusting ?
Perhaps the inlet stub between cylinder head and carb is leaking air.

I would look for these sorts of problems before using a non-standard heat range plug


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