Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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bernardo feio lightweight 1 Oct 2003 04:29


I'm new here!

...and I don’t have a bike... yet!

But I have a question.

I saw a tenere... Very cheap and thinking if I should buy it. The problem is that I'm a 1m 63cms. not to big!

Do you think I can ride this bike?

best regards from portugal
bernardo feio

FredXTZ 1 Oct 2003 15:24

If you can ride you can ride it. When riding you don't want to seek contact with the ground. But you might have a problem manoeuvering the bike. Do like the small frenchman with his Paris-Dakar BMW [forgot his name].

Fred, XTZ660, Holland.

Pedro Rocha 1 Oct 2003 20:02

Gaston Rahier?

bernardo feio lightweight 1 Oct 2003 20:36

I think it's him!

So the nest step after buying the Tenere is doing the Paris Dakar raid! :-) ... I hope

best regards from Portugal
bernardo feio lightweight

FredXTZ 1 Oct 2003 22:39

Start with the Raid de l'Amitié.
See www.aiofrance.com
We are going in 2005 again, hope to meet you there.

Fred, XTZ660, Holland.

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