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ade.d 26 Jul 2007 11:42

ttr hiccups
hi all,im loosing faith in my latest bike (tt600r)it seems doomed.when i got it it was running and starting poorly.through a process of elimination i have sorted the starting,also the bike is now running niceley.it has a nice smooth power delivery.initial drive vibration problems where solved with a new chainset.i would say she is now 95% spot on.
it seems to throw little problems one at a time,intermitentley every 20 mins or so while riding she will pop! in the carb area(not backfire)like a single hiccup but carry on and not stumble.im fed up troubleshooting her.found myself looking at other bikes on ebay again lol.
any ideas to iron out my final problem(til the nextime):( .

also any experiances of ccm 604 ds.cheers.

yhprum 26 Jul 2007 22:55

Usually a pop thru the carby means it's going lean, could you be not venting the tank properly, or fuel limited because of a plugged fuel filter or such.
You could try running with choke on slightly to richen up the mixture to see if it improves it. Dont give up!! Steve

ade.d 27 Jul 2007 10:11

good idea
i will try today with a little choke,could it be water getting in?i have had the carbs off twice now and dont want to go there again.there a pig.cheers steve.

Walkabout 27 Jul 2007 10:31

Hello Ade,
I know exactly how you feel!

You may remember this thread:-


A number of the posts in there advise to throw away the tiny filter that is built into the fuel inlet jet because it is known to cause fuel starvation problems. Could that be the cause of your "pop"?

It is very difficult to "diagnose by email" but surely it cannot be very much causing this symptom!! It sounds to me like all your work on the bike has paid off and, besides, the same sort of niggling problems could happen on any other bike (in theory!!).

Let us know how you get on with experimenting with the choke


ade.d 27 Jul 2007 11:54

these bikes seem so good in theory,low tech,well proven.but out of the ten or so bikes ive had this is the worst to get perfect.seems to be so many variables.i will run today with a little choke,then if thats better i shall lift the carbs, bin the troublesome (little)filter .remove and reinstall inlet rubbers using plenty of instant gasket.my mixture screw is set at 3 turns out,and looking at the plug this is perfect.rebuild and keep my fingers crossed.thanks again all.:confused1:

Walkabout 27 Jul 2007 14:05


Originally Posted by ade.d (Post 145087)
i will try today with a little choke,could it be water getting in?i have had the carbs off twice now and dont want to go there again.there a pig.cheers steve.

You don't say why you mention water, but there is some discussion of that topic here:-


Right enough, the carbs are absolute pigs to remove; not user friendly at all!!

Is this "popping" when you close the throttle fairly quickly;- on the over-run?

ade.d 27 Jul 2007 14:25

seems to come at randam,midband.ive just been to my local bike repair/dyno shop for advice they are great guys and are free with advice and help(spr ruddington)he is 99%sure its sucking air in between carb and engine.apart from the popping its running brill.so here goes carbs off.i think ill try dropping the rear subframe this time.if you undo the top two bolts and remove the exhaust the subframe should drop and take the airbox back withit.ill let you know cheers ade.

Walkabout 27 Jul 2007 15:44


Originally Posted by ade.d (Post 145114)
seems to come at randam,midband.ive just been to my local bike repair/dyno shop for advice they are great guys and are free with advice and help(spr ruddington)he is 99%sure its sucking air in between carb and engine.apart from the popping its running brill.so here goes carbs off.i think ill try dropping the rear subframe this time.if you undo the top two bolts and remove the exhaust the subframe should drop and take the airbox back withit.ill let you know cheers ade.

That sounds like a likely reason (= lean running). Could you get some gasket sealant around the joint without taking the carbs off?

Very true, the airbox does move back but I found it was the frame cross member, just behind the carbs, that was the biggest problem - it is on the main frame so it does not move with the subframe.


ade.d 29 Jul 2007 16:07

hi all,dropped the subframe and removed the carbs/inlet rubbers.(alot easier).true enough one of the inlets had come away from the metal inner.i glued it with instant gasket.also removed the pesky filter from under the float valve(yes it was full of cr*p)put a inline filter in.rebuilt and alls well ,for now.it was sucking air in i guess.:mchappy:

Walkabout 29 Jul 2007 17:39

Nice job done
Nice job done Ade! You must be getting good at removing/replacing the carbs!!:rolleyes2:

Let us know if that has fixed the popping - it is always good to see a problem come to a happy ending.


ade.d 29 Jul 2007 20:36

job done

Originally Posted by Walkabout (Post 145317)
Nice job done Ade! You must be getting good at removing/replacing the carbs!!:rolleyes2:

Let us know if that has fixed the popping - it is always good to see a problem come to a happy ending.


mission accumplished no more hiccups.running nice :thumbup1: with smooth power delivery.if you drop the subframe and undo the inlet to engine bolts they slip out quite easy,still not a job for the faint hearted.lol.

cheers ade.(ps.stopped looking at other bikes now for a while)

backofbeyond 30 Jul 2007 08:41

"also any experiances of ccm 604 ds"

After 18 months with one I'd say generally not a bad bike - good quality bits and pretty solid, if a little heavy, but if you got frustrated by carb problems on the tt, the 604 carb would drive you to suicide.
Time after time people who've just bought one end up at the owners group asking how to sort the carb out. Mine would hardly run when I bought it (300 miles in 4 yrs - the previous owners just gave up on it). Other than that the biggest drawback is lack of aftermarket bits - bigger tanks (13L std), luggage etc

ade.d 30 Jul 2007 18:35

oh dear,seems the ttr isnt on its own with gremlins.the ccm elec start appealed to me.also like the ttr they are cheap and plentyfull,i wonder why?lol.:(

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