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spoonmectr 28 Jun 2007 02:50

what wheels work?
My 92 XT 600 needs a front wheel. Finding one for a XT is next to impossible. What other models/years will work with no problems (ie. brake rotor, speedo sensor, wheel spacing, axle diameter). Thanks


PS: Theres a wheel with rotor and axle off a 86 XT600 on ebay. Will this work with the 92 forks?

spoonmectr 29 Jun 2007 06:23

wow, anyone? Is this a deserted forum?

Ilpoj 29 Jun 2007 12:33

Front tire
The 1990 service manual says the front tire size is 90/90-21 54s.

Have you asked your country's yamaha importer? They should be able to order anything.

You can go to HONDA PARTS - Classic Motorcycle Supplies - Search Parts and find out what the different tire parts cost, if you need a new rim and brake disk and all. If you dont have the parts catalogue, you can download it here Smokin` Lizard from the downloads section.


*Touring Ted* 29 Jun 2007 19:46

Well, you only really need the hub and correct spacers.

Spacers are easy to make or cheap from yamaha.

Then any builder can lace a rim to it.

spoonmectr 29 Jun 2007 21:43


Originally Posted by tedmagnum (Post 141448)
Well, you only really need the hub and correct spacers.

Spacers are easy to make or cheap from yamaha.

Then any builder can lace a rim to it.

So the spokes are the same just different hubs?

*Touring Ted* 29 Jun 2007 21:52


Originally Posted by spoonmectr (Post 141459)
So the spokes are the same just different hubs?

You only need the hub really.

You can buy the rims off the shelf and spokes are spokes.

Dodger 29 Jun 2007 21:58

Ok I'm going to ask a question here:
What is wrong with your present wheel ?
Can it be rebuilt ?

That's two questions .

spoonmectr 29 Jun 2007 23:02


Originally Posted by Dodger (Post 141462)
Ok I'm going to ask a question here:
What is wrong with your present wheel ?
Can it be rebuilt ?

That's two questions .

wheels bent, plus its drum brakes

*Touring Ted* 29 Jun 2007 23:06


Originally Posted by spoonmectr (Post 141468)
wheels bent, plus its drum brakes

If its just bent then have it straightened.

if the rim is cracked or has folds, then you need a new one.

I think you could have it rebuilt with a new rim and spokes for less than £100

Dodger 30 Jun 2007 00:35

A '92 with a drum brake?
Take the path of least resistance and have the wheel rebuilt .
If you really must have a disc brake then things get complicated because you are going to need a master cylinder, lever and hose from another bike as well .
The best thing to do in that case would be to get a complete front end from a breaker's yard .

nocduk 30 Jun 2007 09:07

breaking full 1990 xt600e
Jeds bikes at lancaster uk breaking full 1990 xt600e bike try them tel

01524 389113:thumbup1:

spoonmectr 30 Jun 2007 20:53


Originally Posted by Dodger (Post 141489)
A '92 with a drum brake?
Take the path of least resistance and have the wheel rebuilt .
If you really must have a disc brake then things get complicated because you are going to need a master cylinder, lever and hose from another bike as well .
The best thing to do in that case would be to get a complete front end from a breaker's yard .

Ive allready got the caliper, master cylinder, lever, brake line, and forks. Everything I need. Whoever had it before me must of swapped the front end out to an older model. Ive called over a hundred junkyards nationwide and noone has a 90-95 XT600

spoonmectr 30 Jun 2007 20:54


Originally Posted by nocduk (Post 141513)
Jeds bikes at lancaster uk breaking full 1990 xt600e bike try them tel

01524 389113:thumbup1:

Is that a phone number? Im in the US..

nocduk 30 Jun 2007 22:35

tel number
hi there thats there tel number if you pay by check they would ship it out to you good luck

Walkabout 30 Jun 2007 23:43

Phone number
Yes, it is a UK telephone number - put 0044 (+44) in front of the whole number and drop the leading 0 of that number for calls from the US.


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