Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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triumph 10 Aug 2007 23:30

wont start
hi have just got an xt 550 that has been standing and not started for about three months have got sparkand fuel but it will not start apparently it has always been a little troublesome any ideas ?

Walkabout 11 Aug 2007 10:52

Hi Triumph (what you doing with a Yam with that name?),
Suggest you take a look here:-


It has some useful advice about starting bikes - good basic stuff. You don't say very much about the machine; I suggest that you post as much as you know, factual stuff - mileage, history that type of thing - then others will be able to identify with what is going on (or not going on!).

One thought is; put fresh fuel in the tank.

:welcome: BTW.

triumph 11 Aug 2007 18:35

ok thanks welll its abike that i am about to buy has 46000 miles on the clock.
the guy bought it as a runner used it a few times then keft it sitting around for three months apparently it was always a bit of a pig to stat,although i am not sure if that was anything to do with having the knack!
As for the name i have a tr6 car and am quite into old triumphs

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