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bergspre 31 Dec 2011 02:10

where do you mount remote reservoir on the xt?

Mezo 31 Dec 2011 21:25


Originally Posted by bergspre (Post 361137)
where do you mount remote reservoir on the xt?

I just posted a picture where?


1600 5 Jan 2012 09:15

1 Attachment(s)
Rear shock (and remote reservoir) by TT 600 1996.

I 've chosen the left side of frame instead of the right, because of the proximity of the exhaust tubes (excessive heat) and also due to my kickstart.

Mezo 5 Jan 2012 10:05

No choice on a 34L as the oil cooler sits in that spot.



cyberzar 9 Jan 2012 16:01

sorry for my absence , but im not here every day...

in my TT I made an extension in the top side of the frame fork tube, about 3 cm. In this way the top yoke is 3 cm higher, and fork tubes can go 3 cm more high. After this, you need to test, with fork tubes caps removed, that the weel does not touch the fender at full down position. And remember that now it-s easier with supermoto wheels, but you need to test this also with enduro wheels, if you plan to use them in the future!!!

snofrog 26 Apr 2012 03:26

1 Attachment(s)
I have this Works Performance in mine and it works great .

Bigfoot 2 3 Feb 2013 12:25

XT600E rear suspension-raisers: only available in Germany???
Absolutely no luck at all in getting one of these. My 'eBay-Deutschland' search has had the odd hit over the months, but the seller is never one who will send these (or anything??) out of Germany. :(

Are these only ever available in Germany - and, if so, will they only ever be found in Germany (unless Jens ever sells his)?? doh

Can anyone point me to a (reputable) source for these 'rear-suspension-raisers' for the XT600E that I can actually buy in/from the UK? Would be very grateful for any decent leads that anyone could give me in tracking down a good quality example that I can purchase. Anyone got one to sell, perhaps?


Originally Posted by Jens Eskildsen (Post 359392)
I bought one of those raiser blocks "Heckhöherlegung" of the German ebay. I needed the extra ground clearence for the things I do, so it has helped me a lot.

I also makes the bike look a bit more "motorcrossy", and not so much a gravel-tourer.

The first ride felt speciel because i sat differently on the bike, but that was it. I tried to remove it once to see the difference but didnt like, so mounted the raiser again.

Mines a 2003 model btw, heres an old pic of the shock removed with the raiserblock:


Jens Eskildsen 3 Feb 2013 16:17

The reason you wont find them everywhere is that there not approved in any way, no "dot" no "tüv" ect...

If you do find one, let me know, perhaps its easier to make them ship the Item to me in Denmark, and I could ship it to you.


Theres actually one know, I have contacted him and am waiting his reply.

Jens Eskildsen 4 Feb 2013 09:07

Hi, theres one on ebay now.

Shiping from Germany to me in Denmark is 10euro, let me know if you need me to bid on this for you.

Zergman 4 Feb 2013 10:30

I'm also interested in such riser, but it's rather expensive. Can't it be reproduced? I mean, DIY would cost cents...

Jens Eskildsen 4 Feb 2013 14:36

Sure if you have the skills it shouldn't be much of a problem, there seem to be a lot of buyers out there, so perhaps make a batch of em'? :D:D

Zergman 4 Feb 2013 19:47

When the weather gets warmer I think I will try and make at least one. I don't think it will be a big problem. If I succeed, I'll make some more.

Dimensions (and metal thickness) would help a lot, as I would not have to "guess" them. Especially how long it is (from center of one bolt to center of another bolt). And that unique shape it has, with one side cut off (to clear the frame?).

I guess it's a tight fit in the frame, or is it held just by those two bolts (unlikely)?

anotherrick 4 Feb 2013 21:52

I realy need one of those :thumbup1:

Bigfoot 2 4 Feb 2013 22:15

Hey, Jens, you're an absolute gem of a fellow. :smile3: Have just PM'd you.

Bigfoot 2 4 Feb 2013 22:24

If I do get hold of one, Zergman, I'll get the Vernier callipers out and give you all the measurements and details. You're right, they are far too expensive for what they are and could probably be made up quite competently by somebody with regular equipment and some engineering nouse. And access to a hardware store for the square-section steel tube.

I look forward to Zergman Engineering Inc/Ltd/Pty/GmBh/SA/etc. [Careful on that ice, mate!].


Originally Posted by Zergman (Post 410505)
When the weather gets warmer I think I will try and make at least one. I don't think it will be a big problem. If I succeed, I'll make some more.
Dimensions (and metal thickness) would help a lot, as I would not have to "guess" them. Especially how long it is (from center of one bolt to center of another bolt). And that unique shape it has, with one side cut off (to clear the frame?).
I guess it's a tight fit in the frame, or is it held just by those two bolts (unlikely)?

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