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-   -   XT600E Service Manual Download (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/yamaha-tech/xt600e-service-manual-download-32180)

kentfallen 9 Jan 2008 17:26

XT600E Service Manual Download
FREE downloads of Service Manuals!

YAMAHA XT600 (most versions including the current XT660 version)
Manual Downloads — Moto Andalucia

If you download these manuals for use on your own site, please credit the original source back to Andalucia.com.Moto Andalucia




If anyone knows of other links to FREE manuals please PM me the details so I can update this page for the benefit of all others. Please don't send me or post here paid for manuals.

Thanks to Mezo (Mark) for drawing my attention to the following model list:

XT 600 model codes

XT 600 1984,85,86 43F USA,CAN,EUR
XT 600 1984,85,86 47N EUR(Swiss)
XT 600 S,T 1984,85,86,87 49L USA,AUS
XT 600 T,N,S 1984,85,86,87 49M USA
XT 600 L,N,S,T 1984,85,86,87 49N USA
XT 600 NC,LC 1984,85 49R USA
XT 600 SC 1986 49R USA
XT 600 TC 1987 49R USA
XT 600 1987 2KF USA,CAN
XT 600 ,N 1987 2NF USA,EUR(Germany)
XT 600 1988,89 2WJ EUR(Swiss)
XT 600 U 1988 2WK USA,CAN
XT 600 U,UC,W,WC 1989,90 3EW USA
XT 600 1989 2KF 2NF USA,CAN,EUR
XT 600 E 1990,91,92,93,94 3TB USA,CAN,EUR,OCE,JPN,OTH
XT 600 EN 1990,91,92,93 3UW EUR(Germany)
XT 600 E 1990,91,92,93,94 3UX USA,CAN,EUR
XT 600 AC 1990 3UY USA
XT 600 EA 1990 3UY USA
XT 600 E 1990,91 3UY USA
XT 600 E,BC 1991 3UY USA
XT 600 E,D,DC 1992 3UY USA
XT 600 E,EE,EC 1993 3UY USA
XT 600 E 1994,95 3UY USA
XT 600 EA 1990 3WR USA,CAN
XT 600 EB 1991 3WR USA,CAN
XT 600 E 1992 3WR USA,CAN
XT 600 EE 1993 3WR USA,CAN
XT 600 E 1994,95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02 3WR OCE,AUS
XT 600 (kick) 1991,92 3TB EUR(Spain, France)
XT 600 N(kick) 1991,92 3UW EUR(Germany)
XT 600 E 1995,96,97,98 3TB EUR
XT 600 KH 1993 3TB USA,CAN,EUR(France)
XT 600 KN 1992 3UW EUR(Germany)
XT 600 E 1994 3UW EUR
XT 600 E 1995,96,97,99,00,02 3UX EUR(Swiss)
XT 600 E 1996 4MW OTH(Brazil)
XT 600 1994 3TB EUR
XT 600 E 1999,00,01,02 DJ021 EUR(all)

*Touring Ted* 23 Jan 2008 16:30

The holey grail at last !!

Been looking for this manual in English for years... We couldnt even get it from Yamaha when I worked in a Yamaha dealership FFS !!

TVnoW 5 Feb 2008 19:17


Bamaboy 11 Feb 2008 12:15

Good deal! Thanks!

winmac 10 Mar 2008 21:57

when i try to open or save the 600e manual i get a file error, all other manuales open fine.

Zoltar14 7 Apr 2008 22:22

I downed it from the moto-andalucia site, printing tomorrow, very curious.

Zoltar14 10 Apr 2008 22:28

Posted it on the Dutch XT6 site.

And renewing...

Printing was fun, 351 pages... haven't read the whole thing.

Matt Cartney 13 Mar 2009 18:16

Cheers, superb resource!

Given the difficulty of finding a decent manual for the XT600, it might be worth making this a sticky?

What do you think moderator?

Matt :)

beads 29 Aug 2009 14:36

hope u can help///desperately looking for a honda xbr500 manual,seen ur link and wondered if u may be able to help me get my sticky paws on a manual

moore03 29 Aug 2009 17:15

Thanks for the Link.
downloaded fine.
I had only a tt600 owners manual.

Trix 18 Jan 2010 21:21

xt600e.co.uk forum does not appear to work looks like it would be a great site for xt owners but needs a little work this is not a moan, more of a encouragement as the 600e deserves a good site.......

Grant Johnson 30 Jan 2010 23:08


Originally Posted by Trix (Post 272331)
xt600e.co.uk forum does not appear to work looks like it would be a great site for xt owners but needs a little work this is not a moan, more of a encouragement as the 600e deserves a good site.......

With 100+ pages of thread listings alone, and counting, we've got a great start in this forum right here. What else would you like to see to make this a more complete forum for the XTxx?

I'm happy to do whatever it takes, you just need to let me know what you want or what's missing! :)

MagnaBagger 11 Mar 2010 09:33

Thank you so much for the manual! Just found it while searching in google. Needed the manual for solving electrical problems.


Best regards Hans

kentfallen 8 Jun 2010 20:37


A few of my previous links seem not to work now! Here is a newer link which works today at least. This link is completely FREE whereas some links placed here are chargable which leads me to believe that the person who gets the money placed the links here themselves -

Manual Downloads — Moto Andalucia

Thanks to MotoAndalucia


kentfallen 18 Jun 2010 13:50

Manual Downloads — Moto Andalucia

If at any stage these links fail then email me here - clarkneil(AT)live.co.uk and I shall upload all the XT6's service manuals onto a page on my own website. You can then safely download it for FREE!

Trix 18 Jun 2010 18:07

would like to find a service manual for the later xt 2000 model

Jens Eskildsen 18 Jun 2010 21:25

Manual Downloads — Moto Andalucia get the 2nd from the bottom.

The engine from 1990 and up is the same, so you might aswell just get this one.

bacardi23 16 Jul 2010 23:09

Hey Kent, I've got something for you that you might want to post on here.

First, I found the XT660 (2004) service manual but it's in spanish.

Second I also found the Yamaha Raptor 660 (YFM660) service manual that from what I've read, it is basically the same engine as the XT660 watercooled... and is much similar to the 4PT with the clutch on the right hand engine side!
Plus, It's in english!

Can you post them?

Vando :cool4:

bacardi23 17 Jul 2010 16:09

2008 XT660Z Ténere Service manual!

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

SrdjanKuzmanovic 10 Aug 2010 10:54

I need 1VJ 86 Year for download..eny one>:scooter:

damo2010 21 Nov 2010 06:02

Hi all

I have a service manual for my 1999 XTZ660 Tenere, however I am chasing the full workshop manual for this model, which was current from 1995 to 1999.

I allready have the parts manual, and have the service manual for this bike. I've checked thou this thread and it all seems to be for XT600 or the 2008 XT660Z

So any help would be appreciated


Nick DR350 10 Feb 2011 17:50


Sorry for my ignorance but does the manual cover a 2003 4PT bike?
Or does anyone know where to find one?


damo2010 11 Feb 2011 11:31


Originally Posted by Nick DR350 (Post 323634)

Sorry for my ignorance but does the manual cover a 2003 4PT bike?
Or does anyone know where to find one?


Hi Nick, not sure who your talking to, but the manuals I have I don't think will work for your bike, at some stage in the early 00 they went to fuel injection. Your in the XT600E, what is your model? XT660 R or X

kentfallen 13 Feb 2011 16:48

If you can explain clearly which exact bike model you have we shall ALL (all of us here reading the thread) probably be in a position to help or at least provide some helpful advice. It's simply not good enough listing a model number like that. It's lazy pure and simple.

If any of you chaps out there know of another link to a manual (for an XT6 version not already listed here), let me know on this thread and I will update the first page to show the new link address. The more data here the easier it is for us all to find the information we need...

NO PAID LINKS PLEASE! - This thread is for FREE manuals only. Do not post commercial adverts for paid manuals here.

Thanks & STAY SAFE.

svakak 3 Mar 2011 22:21


I have few manual for Yamaha XT's collected from other sites, and uploaded to my site (which is hosted on my home server, so it's slow) Index of /josip/manuali/yamaha
Most notable is XT600E manual from dtr125 site, but I have OCR'd that big PDF, and now its 50MB smaller and it's searchable.

kentfallen 4 Mar 2011 11:43

Thanks for that link, I will put a link on the first page for you.

All the best

bergspre 29 Apr 2011 20:50

Ive tried to download the xt600 manual a couple times but it seems alot of pages are blank.. The 140mb sized pdf has only blank pages from page '90 and up.

Anyone tried this pdf lately? is this just my computer or is the pdf actually missing some pages?

svakak 3 May 2011 16:19


Originally Posted by bergspre (Post 334056)
Ive tried to download the xt600 manual a couple times but it seems alot of pages are blank.. The 140mb sized pdf has only blank pages from page '90 and up.

Anyone tried this pdf lately? is this just my computer or is the pdf actually missing some pages?

I can guarantee that this PDF is OK (107 MB)


kentfallen 3 May 2011 18:21

Just added that link to the first post on this thread.

Remember if YOU know of a FREE PDF version, let the rest of us know about it by posting here on this thread. That way none of us will ever be forced to line the pockets of others selling the same data. :(

I'm happy to update links as appropriate.

Manual Downloads — Moto Andalucia

Index of /josip/manuali/yamaha


All the best

Cambelt 7 May 2011 15:09


Originally Posted by svakak (Post 334563)
I can guarantee that this PDF is OK (107 MB)


This keeps timing out for me. Is it still available?

kentfallen 10 May 2011 16:15

It was Okay for me but took ages to download (it's a huge file size). My broadband speed (Talktalk) is only 3.5 MB.

This may help - I Suggest you bin Adobe Reader which has got too bloated and use free version of FOXIT reader instead for all PDF files. Foxit is superb and very quick to load up (compared to Adobe Reader). Adobe Reader is full to the brim with spyware reporting on all movements etc...

Foxit is recommended by many UK computer mags including Computer Active my favourite.

Delete Adobe Reader before installing Foxit.

Remember to set your PC to open ALL future PDF's with FOXIT (tick the box for future downloads). I have used this little gem for years now and it's never let me down (unlike Adobe bloat/spy ware).

Foxit is here - Foxit Software - Foxit Reader for Windows


If anyone knows of any more FREE XT downloads please let us ALL know here by posting a link here. No links to pay sites please...

peggymoy 1 Jan 2012 15:32

yes this is what i was looking for thanks a lot mait.

Originally Posted by kentfallen (Post 167373)
Free downloads of a YAMAHA XT600E Service Manual in PDF format -

Manual Downloads — Moto Andalucia

Index of /josip/manuali/yamaha


If you download these manuals for use on your own site, please credit the original source back to Andalucia.com.

Moto Andalucia

kentfallen 7 Jan 2012 11:55

New find - TT600RE

Yamaha TT600RE Service Manual

I have updated page 1 of this thread accordingly.
__________________________________________________ ______________

FREE downloads of Service Manuals!

YAMAHA XT600 (most versions)
Manual Downloads — Moto Andalucia

If you download these manuals for use on your own site, please credit the original source back to Andalucia.com.Moto Andalucia


kentfallen 7 Jan 2012 12:06

If anyone knows of other links to FREE manuals please PM me the details so I can update this page for the benefit of all others. Please don't send me or post here paid for manuals.


Polly 2 May 2012 18:22

hello, I have a 1989 XT 600 Ténéré 3AJ
I downloaded already following manuals (thanks a lot folks)
owners manual(pdf)
service manual (book for professionals)(pdf)( only explosés and technical data
microfiches parts manual (pdf)

I do have a "service manual for the XT 600 E (don't have the bike anymore)
BUT this extensive book is like a service manual for dummies, (explaining how to proceed to dismantle a assembly the whole bike, with a lot of pictures
I would like to have the same service manual for the Ténéré (3AJ )
can anybody help?

Martynbiker 3 May 2012 11:41

Parts catalogue
if you want a PARTS catalogue with exploded diagrams and all parts numbers on a .pdf file, for an XT600 2KF 1988 then email me martynbiker@gmail.com and i will email you one, also wiring diagram, which you will need as the wiring looms are now all out of stock and they make them no more.....

Polly 3 May 2012 19:31

Hello , THnX
But this is a different bike , yours is an XT600 2KF 1988, mine is a 1989 XT 600 Ténéré 3AJ
Will this book help me ?

jamesahkXT600e 5 Jun 2012 16:32

Hello Svakak & Kentfallen,
i am new here and just picked up a 1997 XT600E (chassis / engine #'s start with 3TB) in Hong Kong. Searching for the service manual i downloaded the link Svakak posted (107mb). On page one it references XT600 A/AC. Appears not to be my bike. Like many others I can find links (purchase) etc to 84-89 and 90-96 *. however nothing 1997 XT600E specific. IS there such a service / maintenance manual out there available for down load (free) ? if all else fails I'll search and buy one. look forward to your feedback.

kentfallen 10 Oct 2012 18:30

In all honesty there really shouldn't be too much difference. You should be able to fathom things out using one of the other model's manuals. :thumbup1: The engines are pretty much identical.

BlackDogZulu 11 Oct 2012 06:56

'C' refers to the California model, which has evaporation control kit, which can be ignored if you don't have it. Otherwise, the manual applies almost 100% to the 3TB model. The only differences I have found are minor changes to the wiring diagram. Components added or missing, and changes to wire colours - nothing you can't work out with a bit of head scratching. As far as I have found, there are no differences to the mechanical side.

Hope that helps.

MagicMANX 20 Nov 2012 22:14

thanks a lot for the links!

Walkabout 20 May 2013 14:24

Manual download
Post number 9 in this thread looks like a good lead:-

kentfallen 26 Jun 2013 15:50

Thinking of tidying up this thread to include only live links to FREE XT service manuals.

This thread seems pretty well used by every one of us XT nuts.

If anyone is aware of any new links, please advise accordingly and I will edit the first page to include the link(s).

Please don't bother posting links to paid sites. The information is out there for free instead and none of us wants to pay unless we can help it. :nono:

Another possibility is to scan a manual ourselves and then post it online somewhere for free. I am happy to oblige in this respect as my own website has unused space (although it's content is war memorials).

Best wishes to you all.


kentfallen 13 Aug 2013 16:00

Latest update
FREE downloads of Service Manuals!

YAMAHA XT600 (most versions including the current XT660 version)
Manual Downloads — Moto Andalucia

If you download these manuals for use on your own site, please credit the original source back to Andalucia.com.Moto Andalucia

Index of /josip/manuali/yamaha/xt550



If anyone knows of other links to FREE manuals please PM me the details so I can update this page for the benefit of all others. Please don't send me or post here paid for manuals.

Thanks to Mezo (Mark) for drawing my attention to the following model list:

XT 600 model codes

XT 600 1984,85,86 43F USA,CAN,EUR
XT 600 1984,85,86 47N EUR(Swiss)
XT 600 S,T 1984,85,86,87 49L USA,AUS
XT 600 T,N,S 1984,85,86,87 49M USA
XT 600 L,N,S,T 1984,85,86,87 49N USA
XT 600 NC,LC 1984,85 49R USA
XT 600 SC 1986 49R USA
XT 600 TC 1987 49R USA
XT 600 1987 2KF USA,CAN
XT 600 ,N 1987 2NF USA,EUR(Germany)
XT 600 1988,89 2WJ EUR(Swiss)
XT 600 U 1988 2WK USA,CAN
XT 600 U,UC,W,WC 1989,90 3EW USA
XT 600 1989 2KF 2NF USA,CAN,EUR
XT 600 E 1990,91,92,93,94 3TB USA,CAN,EUR,OCE,JPN,OTH
XT 600 EN 1990,91,92,93 3UW EUR(Germany)
XT 600 E 1990,91,92,93,94 3UX USA,CAN,EUR
XT 600 AC 1990 3UY USA
XT 600 EA 1990 3UY USA
XT 600 E 1990,91 3UY USA
XT 600 E,BC 1991 3UY USA
XT 600 E,D,DC 1992 3UY USA
XT 600 E,EE,EC 1993 3UY USA
XT 600 E 1994,95 3UY USA
XT 600 EA 1990 3WR USA,CAN
XT 600 EB 1991 3WR USA,CAN
XT 600 E 1992 3WR USA,CAN
XT 600 EE 1993 3WR USA,CAN
XT 600 E 1994,95,96,97,98,99,00,01,02 3WR OCE,AUS
XT 600 (kick) 1991,92 3TB EUR(Spain, France)
XT 600 N(kick) 1991,92 3UW EUR(Germany)
XT 600 E 1995,96,97,98 3TB EUR
XT 600 KH 1993 3TB USA,CAN,EUR(France)
XT 600 KN 1992 3UW EUR(Germany)
XT 600 E 1994 3UW EUR
XT 600 E 1995,96,97,99,00,02 3UX EUR(Swiss)
XT 600 E 1996 4MW OTH(Brazil)
XT 600 1994 3TB EUR
XT 600 E 1999,00,01,02 DJ021 EUR(all)

xtrock 19 Apr 2015 19:48

You need to update this site or remove links.

404 - Not Found
Looks like the page you're looking for isn't here anymore. Try using the search box or sitemap below.

Yami63 21 Apr 2015 15:43

Sadly on this Andalucia page the download doesn´t work. :(
I´m in need of the early XT600E 3TB manual.
Does anyone have this for downloading?

curi_xt 22 Apr 2015 11:00


Originally Posted by Yami63 (Post 502398)
Sadly on this Andalucia page the download doesn´t work. :(
I´m in need of the early XT600E 3TB manual.
Does anyone have this for downloading?

Here ----> http://upload.bg/?get_file=b04e3cfef...946d7c98dbf1d5

Yami63 24 Apr 2015 07:11


Originally Posted by curi_xt (Post 502490)

Thanks, German is not my strong side but it´ll work.

pdanjou 20 May 2015 13:42

Since all sources were down. here is a working download for the FULL XT600 E Factory Service Workshop Manual with 350pages: http://dfiles.eu/files/v9a85jk0x

*Touring Ted* 4 Dec 2015 19:29

Has anyone got any up to date links ??

I need a 2003 TT600RE manual.


lordvlado 2 Jan 2016 10:21

Happy new year to all!
Looking for XT600Z ('90 3AJ) service manual. Just found XT600E manual but I'm not sure what the diferencies are. lordvlado@abv.bg


*Touring Ted* 2 Jan 2016 11:07

I have the TT600RE manual. Happy to email to anyone who needs it.

Mezo 2 Jan 2016 16:27


Originally Posted by lordvlado (Post 525664)
I'm not sure what the differences are.

Different bike altogether (frame wise) but same engine.

Mailed you a copy of the manual you will see.


Northern Jock 10 Jun 2016 08:50

Hi, like many others I need a manual for an XT600E 2003 model - and in English!

Has anyone got one?

Many thanks

zandesiro 10 Jun 2016 18:30


Originally Posted by Northern Jock (Post 541031)
Hi, like many others I need a manual for an XT600E 2003 model - and in English!

Has anyone got one?

Many thanks

You got p.m.!:innocent:

Lonerider 11 Jun 2016 02:12

1 Attachment(s)
I have an XT600E manual in English and its in PDF format, I have an XT600E 2003 and I got it with the bike. The problem is it is 112mb and I am not sure how to pass it on to anyone.

I also have the owners manual, uploaded it but I am not sure if anyone can get it


Northern Jock 11 Jun 2016 11:10


Originally Posted by Lonerider (Post 541113)
I have an XT600E manual in English and its in PDF format, I have an XT600E 2003 and I got it with the bike. The problem is it is 112mb and I am not sure how to pass it on to anyone.

I also have the owners manual, uploaded it but I am not sure if anyone can get it


Hi, I've got a copy of the owners manual thanks, it's the workshop manual I'm after but 112mb wouldn't email. I guess it needs uploaded to a site somewhere that I (others) could download from. Not sure how you do that!

Lonerider 11 Jun 2016 11:43


Originally Posted by Northern Jock (Post 541140)
Hi, I've got a copy of the owners manual thanks, it's the workshop manual I'm after but 112mb wouldn't email. I guess it needs uploaded to a site somewhere that I (others) could download from. Not sure how you do that!

No me neither, I don't know if it could be taken from Flickr if I put it on there?


willywombat64 12 Jun 2016 12:12

2003 xt600e 4pt Workshop manual needed too please!
can anyone help me out ..it would be much appreciated as I need to do some work on the old girl .
I am suprised that some of you guys seem to have a copy as I aked dave lambeth the UK Xt guru and he said he'd never seen one ...only those produced for the older models of which the last one produced should be fine ?
Prove him wrong please!
Perhaps someone could upload their copy to Dropbox or a similar free storage site .It's fairly straightforward as I managed beforehand and am far from a tech wizard.
thanks in advance

Lonerider 12 Jun 2016 12:38


Originally Posted by willywombat64 (Post 541238)
can anyone help me out ..it would be much appreciated as I need to do some work on the old girl .
I am suprised that some of you guys seem to have a copy as I aked dave lambeth the UK Xt guru and he said he'd never seen one ...only those produced for the older models of which the last one produced should be fine ?
Prove him wrong please!
Perhaps someone could upload their copy to Dropbox or a similar free storage site .It's fairly straightforward as I managed beforehand and am far from a tech wizard.
thanks in advance

I have drop box but can not work out how to share it to be able to download it from me. Any ideas


Lonerider 12 Jun 2016 13:28

Try this
I don't know if it will work


Let us all know if it works if you try it


Having looked at it I think its for the 3UY, is there much difference?

willywombat64 12 Jun 2016 22:21

yep ..the link worked . thanks for your efforts . I have seen this download before and think it was produced for an earlier model rather than the last one ( 4pt ) ..looks like Dave Lambeth was right! As mentioned he said a lot of the info would be applicable to the later model such as my 2003.
Much appreciated anyhow
Bill in exeter UK.

Lonerider 13 Jun 2016 01:37


Originally Posted by willywombat64 (Post 541285)
yep ..the link worked . thanks for your efforts . I have seen this download before and think it was produced for an earlier model rather than the last one ( 4pt ) ..looks like Dave Lambeth was right! As mentioned he said a lot of the info would be applicable to the later model such as my 2003.
Much appreciated anyhow
Bill in exeter UK.

if you speak to Dave again then ask him if there are major differences, if so what are they?


connal 14 Aug 2016 20:17

Thanks lonerider for the download. I've got a '97 XT, early 4PT, and one of the main differences I can see is the clutch lever moved from the left side (where it is shown in your manual) to above the crank case cover on the right. I've got a 1996 supplement to the manual which has an exploded view of it in this position, along with diagrams of cable routing, but doesn't give much advice on fitting the lever or anything else (which I could do with right now :-). If anyone would like to see it I'm happy to upload it to dropbox.

theluckless 11 Jan 2017 07:54

1984 XT600 manual
Does anyone have a copy of the manual for the 1984 XT 600? I would be much obliged if I could get a copy.

Beezageeza 14 Jan 2017 03:31

I have an original Yamaha factory manual for a 1984 XT600 (actually I have 2). It will take a few days to digitize. If anyone wants to buy one of my manuals, PM me.

xtrock 14 Jan 2017 11:55

Yes you can buy manuals from me too, just pay me and download from internet:clap:

Beezageeza 14 Jan 2017 18:53

Sorry about that folks - I thought the 1984-1990 manuals were not available elsewhere. Good to know I don't have to spend a day digitizing my copies.

I offered to sell an original manual because some people prefer hard copy manuals, others might also like to have the "real thing". Please don't ridicule me for offering that.

Oh, btw, for those who want a newer version, I managed to reduce the 112MB one from this site to a more manageable 40MB. It can be downloaded here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/...compressed.pdf

Jens Eskildsen 16 Jan 2017 13:36

Cool, and yeah hardcopys can be nice. bier

lslabe 18 Jun 2017 14:30

Does anybody have a workshop manual for XT600z tenere 3aj?

You can send me a pm or an email: luka(DOT)slabe@gmail.com


lslabe 19 Jun 2017 04:45

Got it :thumbup1:

bacardi23 9 Jan 2018 10:07

LIT-11626-07-43 Wiring Diagram
1 Attachment(s)
1990 XT600EA / EAC - California model
LIT-11626-07-43 Wiring Diagram

Hello everyone!
It took me a while to find this wiring diagram again and I had to run it through an image ediiting software to make it look nice and clean!

Hope it stays on here forever!

ardo123 12 Feb 2019 00:03

Thanks for the link to that manual Lonerider, but I would still love to have a copy of the workshop manual for PRE 1990 XT600s (not the Tenere!).

Mine is an '89 W US model and I can't seem to find anything for the 86-89 US xt600s at all!

ggr 29 Mar 2019 11:36

Links in the OP are dead unfortunately.

Could someone please re-upload the 2001 XT600E service manual?


Woodie1977 14 Apr 2019 11:21

Like a copy of the manual for the xt600e DJ02 as well..

Lonerider 20 Apr 2019 10:15

I am trying a new link for the YamahaXT600E Service manual, if anyone uses it please let me know then I can delete my dropbox


Thanks, Wayne

ggr 20 Apr 2019 22:51


Originally Posted by Lonerider (Post 599232)
I am trying a new link for the YamahaXT600E Service manual, if anyone uses it please let me know then I can delete my dropbox


Thanks, Wayne

I'm getting a 502 Bad Gateway error when I try to download or open it.

Lonerider 21 Apr 2019 04:51


Originally Posted by ggr (Post 599243)
I'm getting a 502 Bad Gateway error when I try to download or open it.

Very strange, I have done it on a colleagues windows laptop using Windows 7 and it came in fine

ggr 21 Apr 2019 16:09


Originally Posted by Lonerider (Post 599246)
Very strange, I have done it on a colleagues windows laptop using Windows 7 and it came in fine

Works fine now, must've been a temporary error on my end.

Thanks for the manual, much appreciated!bier

Doubleyoupee 30 Apr 2019 20:57

Anyone have a link to 3Aj manuals? I can't find it anywhere. Thanks!

hajate 21 Apr 2020 21:23

Yep. I would also like someone to pm me a 3AJ or 1VJ manual ... :)

86XT600SEA 22 Apr 2020 19:16

86 XT600 Service Manual
Have searched high and low for 84-89 XT600 service manual. Anybody have a digital copt they can share? I need the float height! Thanks! :thumbup1:

Mezo 23 Apr 2020 06:05

25 to 27mm


86XT600SEA 24 Apr 2020 01:04


Originally Posted by Mezo (Post 610977)
25 to 27mm


Thank you much!

*Touring Ted* 22 Jul 2021 19:39

Are there any live links for a manual for the XT600E 4PT model ?? The last XT600E that ran to 2003.

Mezo 23 Jul 2021 02:01


Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* (Post 621569)
Are there any live links for a manual for the XT600E 4PT model ?? The last XT600E that ran to 2003.


You will need to translate as you get to the section Ted, just highlight & right click 'translate" that does work i tried it (unless you speak Portuguese?)


Sampling3404 24 May 2023 09:10

Hi everyone, i search a workshop manual for my xt600 E DJ02 I found a Portuguese version but I would like it in English lol
thanks in advance guys <3

Xt 600 wiring nightmare 5 Sep 2024 01:19

Need help
Ok I got a basket case from a friend here's my dilemma I have a 1984 to 1987 motor motor code is 49N I am putting it on a 1990 XT 600 Frame and wiring harness motor code Jya3 I can't get any spark I need to know what colors need to go to what colors from the CDI to the wearing harness CDI number Denso5Y1 - 50 please help with what colors go to what !! Thank you I can't find a 49n wiring diagram anywhere have been searching for weeks !! Also need ohms readings for stator !! Thank you

turboguzzi 7 Oct 2024 12:58

@Xt 600 wiring nightmare - open your own thread. tagging to years old threads of people who havent been here in ages will not get you far.

try posting also here, the HUBB is quite dead these days


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