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snoop 7 Apr 2007 13:33

XTZ660 starting problems

I've got a 1997 XTZ660 and I recently stripped off all the panels and tank and re-sprayed it the Tenere Blue. It looks fab now, but since I put everything back on I've had real problems starting it.

What happens is that it will start OK from cold, then I will take it for a short journey (5-10Km), but if I stop it then refuses to re-start!!! The starter motor turns over, but it won't fire. It's driving me nuts and I can't use it because I can't rely on it to start again. I have drained the Carburettor float, but that diodn't make any difference.

Can anyone advise me what the problem might be?? It was fine before I did the work on it, so it's probabaly something fairly simple.

tomwest 7 Apr 2007 21:34

Hanging wire?

I donĀ“t know how the cables are placed on a xt660. On my xt 600 I had had that problem when I accidently got the chokecable stuck after refitting the tank. The choke was left half open,the bike started fine when cold.But was very hard to start when warm.

snoop 8 Apr 2007 10:17

Thanks Tom...I'll check that..but I don't think it would effect the choke cable...I can't help feeling it might be a carb problem???...but I'm not a mechanic, so I'm only guessing.


Hi again...further to my last message, I think I've sorted it....

When I replaced the tank I had squashed the Carb air intake hose under the tank...I also took all the carb hoses off and gave a good squirt of carb cleaner...that SEEMS to have sorted it....fingers crossed!!!


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