Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Yamaha TT 600 R, how to kickstart? :) (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/yamaha-tech/yamaha-tt-600-r-how-32814)

jjrider 25 Dec 2013 15:47

Redeye, sounds like someone put the wrong cable on or a cheap alternative. It should have an adjustment to make the outer part longer/shorter to keep the decomp where it should be.

steveloomis 28 Dec 2013 16:30

In reading this whole thread, set the new decomp cable slack to .5 mm. After starting, check the slack to make sure it is NOT touching the rocker arm. You will hear the clicking, if it is add slightly more slack. You want as little slack as you can get away with to get the most effective results.

My bike with the Zeeltronic ignition starts 1st kick most of the time in warm weather, cold weather it is harder to start. I do need to adjust the mixture screw as noted in this thread. I think I am just a bit lean. Once warm, starts first kick most of time.

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