Horizons Unlimited Travellers Communities introduction
"Let us be united by our humanity, compassion, curiosity and love of motorcycle travel."
Susan Johnson, Horizons Unlimited
848 Communities in 117 Countries as of April 12, 2023!
What's it all about?
The idea of the Horizons Unlimited Motorcycle Travellers Community is to enable motorcycle travellers, both those on the road and those at home, to meet up with like minded people.
By joining the Community in their area, people at home that are willing to help travellers on the road will receive e-mails on occasion from travellers looking for information on the area, help to solve a problem, or a place to stay and visit.
They can choose to ignore the message, in the hope that someone else in the area is willing and able to help, or can respond directly to the request.
It works like this:
(I will use Brisbane, Australia, as an example):
I set up as an e-mail address, and it automatically forwards to all the people on the list in the local community. Whoever wishes to respond to it could then do so, using
as the RETURN email address to start with, or their own if they wish.
This way, a "trouble" traveller could be easily ignored, and the good ones easily contacted by all the locals. Also all local people know what is going on and who is coming to stay with who, providing some security.
The Community system also functions as a full, regular mailing list, so people in your local Travellers Community can use it as a method of keeping in touch with each other, planning rides, or just discussing anything of interest to the local riders. It's also a great way of getting in touch with riders in your area for the first time, as you may not know who else in your area is interested in motorcycle travel!
To Contact a Community
Go to the Contact page by clicking on the link, Select the Community that you want to ask questions, requests for help and information etc. , fill in the form and click "Send to Community".
Please remember that Community members are private individuals and receive no payment whatsoever for helping you out. They do it simply because they're nice people! Also please remember that some Communities only have one member at this time.
If you don't receive a response they may be on the road, or you have asked a question that is unclear, or simply too big! Keep your questions simple and to the point, and you are more likely to get an answer.
To Join the Community in your area,
Go to the Join page by clicking on the link , Select the Community you want to join , fill in your name and e-mail address, and click "Join Community". You will get a welcome message back, and you are on the list. That's all there is to it.
To Change your Email address, or Change Communities,
Unsubscribe then Join.
If your city or area doesn't have a Community yet:
Go to the Start New Community page by clicking on the link , fill in the form, click "Start New Community" and we'll set it up as soon as possible. We'll let you know as soon as it's ready! Thanks for your support!
We'd like to think that you will stay in a Community for a long time, but we also hope that you will be hitting the road yourself, so when you do, or are otherwise unavailable for Community activities, just Unsubscribe by clicking on the link to the Unsubscribe page and filling out the form. Thanks for being with us, and have a great trip!
Free Webpage for your Community!
Send us some photos of your Community, whether it's the people, their bikes, a get-together, or just the area where you live, it doesn't matter, and we'll create a webpage for you!
Your Privacy
We value your participation and respect your privacy. Your e-mail address is hidden and safe from anyone except us. Please report any unwanted e-mail, or abuse of hospitality by problem travellers to us personally so that we can deal with it.
"People willing to help"
And finally, if you don't mind having your details published on the web, you can be in the "People willing to help" section of the Links pages. Add yourself here (you must be registered on the website and logged in). If you prefer to be anonymous, you can just use the Community method. Or you are welcome to do both! We DO recommend the Community system for security and ease of communications.
Thanks for your support!
Grant and Susan Johnson
Community Options
- Contact a community for help or information
- Join a Community in your area
- Start a New Community
- Unsubscribe from a Community
- To Change your email address, or
Change Communities,
Unsubscribe then Join.
What is an HU Community?
Translation Table for City Names
NEW! Download the waypoint file of all current communities here in:
- OziExplorer format, or in
- .gpx format.
- Waypoint files generously created and maintained by Alfons van Hoof.
Member login
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Does the smell of spices wafting through the air make you think of Zanzibar, a cacophony of honking horns is Cairo, or a swirl of brilliantly patterned clothing Guatemala? Then this is the site for you!
Hosted by Grant and Susan Johnson, RTW 1987-1998
Next HU Events
Be sure to join us for this huge milestone!
ALL Dates subject to change.
2025 Confirmed Events:
Virginia: April 24-27
Queensland is back! May 2-5
Germany Summer: May 29-June 1
Ecuador June 13-15
Bulgaria Mini: June 27-29
CanWest: July 10-13
Switzerland: Aug 14-17
Romania: Aug 22-24
Austria: Sept. 11-14
California: September 18-21
France: September 19-21
Germany Autumn: Oct 30-Nov 2
Add yourself to the Updates List for each event!
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