Achievable Dream: Part 4 - Ladies on the Loose!

For the first time ever, a motorcycle travel DVD made for women, by women!
Our globetrotting ladies share their tips to help you plan your own motorcycle adventure - choose and maintain a bike, decide what to take and tackle rough terrain. They also answer the women-only questions, and entertain you with amazing tales from the road!
This inspirational and entertaining DVD is presented by Lois Pryce, veteran solo traveller through South America and Africa and author of 'Lois on the Loose', and 'Red Tape and White Knuckles'. Lois delivers action, entertainment and hot tips, as well as coverage of 'women only' topics. Austin Vince, of Terra Circa and Mondo Enduro fame, is her director and cameraman for this production.
The DVD features eloquent and engaging well-travelled women motorcyclists such as Elspeth Beard (first British woman to ride around the world), Erin Ratay (Guinness World Record holder for longest team motorcycle ride), Patsy Quick (Dakar racer) and Mel Falconer (Trail Bike Magazine), who offer tales, advice and inspiration from the road.
This DVD is meant as an addition to the first three DVD’s and also covers topics of particular interest to women travellers.
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All Achievable Dream and Road Heroes DVDs are available in NTSC Format, which will play on your computer and in any TV in any region of the world.
Note: We do NOT region-lock or in any way restrict your ability to play or backup the DVDs.
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User comments/reviews
"Bought this my wife, who has been riding for years and now rides a R1200GS of her own. Didn't have too high expectations but was very pleasantly surprised. We both enjoyed the humor and the insights offered by these remarkable women. The stories of their adventures are told in a self deprecating and entertaining style that makes them great fun to watch and listen to. The photographs and anecdotes make the whole DVD well worth the (cheap) price of admission. Now I'm scheming to buy the entire series." Shawn Bryan on
"very informative and entertaining, Would recommend this to anyone contemplating long rides whether man or woman. Happy to have this as part of my video collection. Bought this video for my wife who found it inspirational and admires the women is this video. We've done a number of trips on our bikes together and found this video to affirm our love of motorcycle riding." Tim Cargain on
"Get your boots and helmet on. This DVD is an absolute inspiration. It is well put together, moves along at a good pace, and is full of very useful information such as how to maintain yourself and your vehicle, what to ride and what you are likely to expect on the road. It is long, so give yourself time or arrange a few sittings for it but I for one will be be going back and looking at again and again. Importantly it is not just a dry informative watch. This is fun and you will find yourself chuckling as you watch these women riding their bikes around the world whilst dealing with the shortage of knickers and tampons. What they don't lack is spirit and humour." Gillian Frances on
"I've read Lois Pryce's book 'Lois on the Loose,' and having her narrate this episode is fitting. She's inspirational, as are the other women in the video. They don't under state the difficulties involved in world travel by motorcycle, but they show it's possible. I probably won't do many of the things they showed, such as change a bike tire, but I do know I can travel across the US on my motorcycle, and have done so. I've been further inspired to learn more, such as how to pick up my 750-lb bike, which I now know I can do! As I ride alone on lonely roads, this is a handy skill to have. The women talk about practicalities such as packing, feminine hygiene on the road, following your instincts in dicey situations, and many more topics. If you are a woman who rides at all-cross country, dirt, racing, on the back, or however-this is a great video for you!" Shelley Abernathy on
"They are certainly inspirational ladies! Made me want to jump on a bike and go, that's for sure!" Kate Hoskins, Pitstop Bookshop, Australia
"Hi Lois and Susan, just watched your Ladies vid and have to say congrats on a great job: the writing, shooting, the look and editing. For any AM'ers, you summed it all up very well and had a great cast of Loosards giving their PoV. Can't have been effortless to make it look that good and not drag too much over 150 mins, so well done you!" Chris Scott, Adventure Motorcycling Handbook
"We received our copy of 'Ladies on the Loose' a few weeks ago and it has got me all fired up to go out on my own adventure. You all did a fantastic job on the DVD and we are eagerly awaiting the final DVD's. It sounds like such a huge job but the final results have been invaluable to future motorcycle travellers." Kath and Rob, Australia
"I've watched it (Ladies on the Loose) twice. The DVD is great - very informative and inspiring. Well done!" Michelle, UK
"My girlfriend and I really enjoyed watching them - very well done!" Aleksandar, Germany
"The quality of the first two (1 & 4) is really professional and an absolute credit to you. Thanks once again we do really appreciate your efforts in making The Achievable Dream' an excellent series." Allan, Australia
"We watched part 4 and it was great. Invaluable for the preparation for our own trip!" Xander, the Netherlands.
"I watched 'Get Ready' on my own and with a little coaxing got him to watch 'Ladies on the Loose' with me. By the end I could see the cogs ticking over and he looked at me and said 'People really do this - I think we could too!' Success! That is why it is called the 'Achievable Dream' series darling! Thank you guys - keep up the great work!" Lisa and Stu, Australia