Contact a Community
848 Communities in 117 Countries as of April 12, 2023!
Need help? Broken down? Just want to meet some local people and find out about the area?
Here's your chance to contact travellers currently at home who WANT to help other travellers!
Important: Please remember that Community members are private individuals and receive no payment whatsoever for helping you out. They do it simply because they're nice people! Also please remember that Communities may only have one member.
Common courtesy goes a long way - you are writing a letter to someone you've never met and asking them for help - what would you be likely to respond to?
"tell me everything about your area."
"Hi, I'm Joe Bloggs on a rtw trip - web site is at - and I'm heading your way. I have a couple of questions I hope you can help with. Is there a good shop where I can repair my shock as it's leaking oil? Is there a place you know that has cheap accommodation and I can work on the bike safely? Thanks, looking forward to meeting up with you!"
If you don't receive a response they may be on the road, or you have asked a question that is unclear, or simply too big! Keep your questions simple and to the point, and you are more likely to get an answer.
Alphabetical by Country, and by City within Country
NOTE: GPS Co-ordinates are not for a person's house, but are general to the area only.
Quick Country Links:
Select the Community you want to Contact in the list below, fill in your name, e-mail address and your question at the bottom of the page, and click "CONTACT A COMMUNITY".
Sorry, the Community listings are currently "limited".
We were forced to move the entire website to a new server when the old host went broke, (aaarggh!) and the new mailing list system is completely different. So, we have a very significant rebuild of the old system to work on the new system, and while we initially expected it would take a few weeks, it's going to take much longer. The Community lists will be back as soon as possible.
In an emergency, write me, Grant, directly, and I can write to the Community members directly for you. Be sure to tell me which Community you want to contact - basically, roughly where / what area. There are around 850 Communities to completely recreate. The few that are done are marked with a working radio button below. The others are "to come".
Thanks for your patience!
Grant and Susan
Argentina - More about Argentina
- More about Azul
34° 36' S 58° 22' W
27° 29' S 58° 48' W
41° 58' S 71° 30' W
50° 20' S 72° 16' W
-34.329 -58.839
32° 53' S 68° 49' W
38° 57' S 68° 03' W - More about Neuquén
49° 18' S 67° 42' W - More about San Julian
-51.535979°, -72.295876°
32° 56' S 60 ° 39' W
40° 09' S 71° 21' W
34° 37' 15" S 68° 20' 19" W
-36.623243°, -64.267273°
-37.32212°, -59.150391°
33° 44' 59" S 61° 58' 34" W
40° 48' S 62° 59' W - More about Viedma
31° 25' S 64° 29' W - More about Villa Carlos Paz
-33.675442°, -65.458069°
-54.805 -68.299
New South Wales
36° 04' S 146° 55' E
28° 39' S 153° 36' E
-33.108223°, 151.640167°
map (Mid NSW north coast)
33° 36' S 149° 35' E
-28.328 153.379
34° 25' S 150° 52' E
Northern Territory
-20.2636, 148.715
16° 55' S 145° 45' E
-25.236622°, 152.21283°
-23.842117°, 151.234531°
-26.18 152.65
Hervey Bay -25.290,152.893![]()
19° 16' S 146° 47' E
South Australia
-34.721, 135.858
-43.024228°, 147.260056°
-37.045 146.103
Western Australia
-35.024°, 117.882°
31° 57' S 115° 51' E
32° 16' S 115° 44' E
47° 16' N 11 ° 24 E
47° 49' N 13 ° 02 E
47.068°, 15.443°
48° 12' N 16 ° 22 E
47.413, 9.744
26° 12' N 50° 34' E
Communities at once
or individually:
Namur 50° 29' N 5° 05' E
51° 13' N 4° 24' E
51° 12' N 3° 13' E
50° 50' N 4° 21' E
Ghent 51° 03' N 3° 43' E
Louvain 50° 52' N 4° 42' E
51.130 4.570
51° 13' N 5° 18' E
Bosnia / Herzegovina
Canada 139 Top Places in Canada
British Columbia
54.516 -128.607
New Brunswick
Northwest Territories more about NT
map more about Tsiigehtchic the new roadNova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Yukon Territory
Colombia - More about Colombia
Congo, Democratic Republic of
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
Egypt - More about Egypt
El Salvador
Georgia - More about Georgia
Cologne see Koln
64.128° N 21.871° W
65.26073°, -14.034004°
64.891162° N, 23.705° W
India - More about India
- More about Bangalore
Calcutta - see Kolkatta
a 9.93, 76.24
) 22° 34' N 88° 21' E
11° 56' N 79° 50' E
18° 31' N 73° 50' E
Vadodara, Gujarat 22.31,73.20
6° 54' S 107° 36' E
8° 30' 54" S 116° 40' 02" E
Iran - More about Iran
37° 15' N 55 ° 10' E
38° 04' N 46° 17' E
32° 43' 05" N 52° 39' 56" E
52° 54' N 7° 21' W
52.14, -10.28
52° 39' N 6° 18' W
52° 40' N 8° 37' W
52.817950°, -8.864250°
52.960221°, -6.924133°
43.40 10.41
, 44° 13'N 12° 02' E
44° 25' N 8° 55' E
49° 51' N 9° 25' E
43.846, 10.505
41° 53' N 12° 29' E
37.269682°, 14.452515°
45° 39' N 13° 46' E
Japan - More about Japan
1° 17' S 36° 48' E
42° 51' N 74° 34' E
40.535 72.808
56° 57' N 24° 07' E
54° 54' 13" N 23° 55' 05" E
55° 42' N 21° 08' E
Luxembourg - More about Luxembourg
Macedonia - More about Macedonia
42° 00' 04" N 21° 27' 58" E
Malaysia - More about Malaysia
Mexico - More about Mexico
28° 37' N 106° 04' W
24.00 -104.68
Ensenada, Baja California 31.86,-116.606
20° 40' N 103° 21' W
24° 08' 32" N, 110° 18' 39" W
21° 07' N 101° 41' W
25° 47' N 108° 59' W
23 12' N 106° 25' W
19° 25' N 99° 08' W
, 25° 40' N 100° 18' W
17° 04' N 96 ° 43' W
19° 02' N 98° 12' W
20° 36' N 105° 14' W
20° 3' 5N 100° 23' W
23° 09' N 109° 42' W
22° 09' N 100° 58' W
20.913894, -100.745694
32° 31' N 117° 01' W
19° 11' N 100° 07' W
19° 31' N 96° 54' W
Montenegro More about Montenegro here
42° 26' N 19° 16' E
22° 33' S 17 ° 04' E
27° 42' N 85 ° 18' E
Netherlands - More about Netherlands
51° 29' N 04° 17' E - More about Bergen op Zoom
51° 55' 58" N 4° 29' 10" E
52° 06' N 05° 06' E
New Zealand
36° 51 S 174° 45 E
37° 46 S 175° 16 E
39° 30' S 176° 53' E
- More about Tauranga
-38.514, 176.289
7° 22 N 3 ° 53 E
Norway - More about Norway on a shoestring!
59° 44' 38" N 10° 20' 21" E
58° 40' 14" N 6° 43' 57" E
23° 36' 07" N 58° 32' 17" E
Pakistan - More about Pakistan
30° 11' N 71° 27' E
8° 57 N 79° 32 W
Papua New Guinea
Peru - More about mototourism in Peru from Moto Viajeros Peru
, 16° 23' S 71° 31' W
6° 45' S 79° 50' W
13° 31' S 71 ° 59' W
9° 32' S 77° 31' W
12° 02' S 77 ° 02' W
Philippines - More about Philippines
14° 35' N 120° 59' E
50° 15'N 19° 01' E
50° 03' N 19° 57' E
51° 46'N 19° 27'E
53° 52'N 21° 17' E
50.670354°, 17.793045°
52° 24' N 16° 54' E
50.039°, 22.009°
51.036829°, 21.070977°
50° 27'N 18° 52' E - More about Tarnowskie Góry
52° 15' N 21° 00 E
51° 07' 19" N 17° 02' 26" E
51° 56' 33" N 15° 29' 46" E
49° 41' N 19° 11 E
Romania - More about Romania
44° 25' N 26° 07 E
a 45° 39' 14" N 25° 36' 35" E
46° 46' N 23° 35 E
47.160 27.591
46° 22' N 25 ° 48 E
47° 03' N 21 ° 55 E
46° 32' N 24 ° 34 E
s 45.75,21.22
Russia - More about Russia
55° 45' N 37° 37 E
43° 07' N 131 ° 54 E
48° 42' N 44° 30 E More about Volgograd
based in Al-Khobar
14° 40' N 17 ° 26 W
44° 48'N 20° 28' E
Sierra Leone
48° 09' N 17° 07' E
48° 43' 28" N 21° 16' 22" E
Slovenia - More about Slovenia
46° 08' N 14° 57' E
South Africa
, 25° 01' S 31° 06' E Kruger National Park
, Kwazulu Natal near Pietermaritzburg -29.493°, 30.242°
25° 25' S 31° 57' E
25° 28' S 30° 48' E
33° 57' S 25° 34' E
29° 14' 35" S 16° 52' 52" E
-26.71 27.09 HU South Africa 2014 Travellers Meeting is here!
25° 45' S 28° 11' E
28° 47' S 32° 06' E
33° 57' 59" S 22° 33' 58" E
South Korea
36° 08' N 5° 27' W
37.119°, -3.599°
43° 13' N 6° 52' W pictures here
40.6297 -3.1642
37.257°, -6.949°
37.760°, -3.790°
43.370°, -8.398°
41° 37' 13" N, 0° 37' 27" E
37° 08' 40" N 1° 50' 50" W
42.338 -7.866
40° 58' N 5° 39' W
37° 23' N 5° 59 W
28° 27' N 16° 15' W
42.846°, -2.667°
41.654 -4.732
42° 14' N 8 ° 42 W
41° 39' N 0° 53' W
59° 35' N 17° 30' E
56° 38' N 15° 33' E
55° 55' N 13° 33' E
58° 24' N 15° 37' E
Malmö, Skåne 55.597, 13.002
Östhammar, Uppsala 60.256, 18.369 55.650 13.205 More about Staffanstorp
, Västerbotten 63.818,20.311
47.324 N, 7.899 E
47.5587°, 7.5866°
47° 10' N 7 ° 04' E
46.803 7.153
46.205764°, 6.141593°
47° 04' 26" N 7° 18' 32" E
47.35151°, 8.718554°
47° 22' N 8° 32' E
33° 31' N 36 ° 17' E
6° 49' S 39° 16' E
-7.766 35.700
13° 44' N 100° 30' E
18° 47' N 99° 00' E
12° 34' 07" N 99° 57' 04" E
, Loei Province, and Phu Kradueng National Park 17.489520, 101.73500
12° 55' N 100 ° 53' E
Turkey - Much more about Turkey - everything you need to know to ride there!
40° 21' N 27° 58' E
40.151 26.402
- More about Turkey
38° 25' N 27° 08' E
36° 12' 13" N 29° 38' 15" E More about Kas - Antalya
, 38° 43' N 35° 28' E - More about Kayseri and Cappadocia
United Kingdom
51° 05' N 4 ° 03' W approx
51° 45' N 0 ° 34' W approx
52° 28' N 1° 53' W
53° 07' N 1° 35' W
50° 49' 36" N 0° 08' 30" W - More about Brighton
- See St. Ives, England
54° 53' N 2 ° 56' W
50.83 -0.77
50° 20' N 5° 00' W approx
51.0548 0.1653
51° 08' N 1° 17' E
54° 46' N 1° 35' W
50° 46' N 0° 16' E
d 50.717,-3.5385
Folkestone, Kent, England 51.085 1.177
51° 51' N 2 ° 14' W
51.937°, 1.266°
51° 57' 27" N 0° 16' 37" W - More about Hitchin
53.744244°, -0.463486°
52.058° 1.144°
54.047094°, -2.784348°
52° 38' N 01° 07' W
52° 41' 17" N 1° 49' 36" W
51° 16' N 0° 31' E
, England 51° 34' N 0° 46' W
36.809285°, -92.636719°
51.373549°, -2.121477°
52° 01' N 0° 44' W
54° 58' N 1° 36' W
50° 31' 48" N 3° 36' 13° W
52° 14' 26" N 0° 54' 13" W
52° 57' N 1° 10' W
,52° 45' N 01° 15' W
52° 11' 54" N 1° 42' 35" W
54.902 -1.386
51.0548 0.1653
52° 40' 54" N 2° 28' 00" W
51.481 -0.612
52° 11' N 2° 13' W
Northern Ireland
54° 59' 45" N, 7° 18' 34" W
54.859,-5.842(does not necessarily include people in the following Communities)
57.481418°, -4.453068°
58° 0' N 3° 51' W
55° 08' N 3° 46' W
55° 57' N 3° 11' W
55.861056°, -4.257202°
55° 35' 52" N 2° 25' 34" W
56.119424°, -3.935882°
48° 26' 38" N 35° 02' 37" E
50.439, 30.546
49° 50' N 24° 02' E - More about Lviv
46° 28' N 30° 43' E - More about Odessa
- Map
49.24, 28.40
United Arab Emirates
24° 28' N 54° 22' E
25° 22' N 55° 24' E
United States of America
18° 27' N 66° 04' W - More on Puerto Rico
34° 43' N 86° 35' WAlaska
61° 12' N 149° 53' W
55° 20' N 131° 38' WArizona
35° 11' N 111° 38' W
32° 13' N 110° 58' WArkansas
36.063 -94.158
35° 23' N 94° 24' WCalifornia
35° 07' N 120° 36' W
38.998°, -123.303°
34° 03' N 118° 14' W
38.345 -120.513
34° 06' N 117° 34' W
40.586°, -122.522°
38° 34' N 121° 29' W
32° 42' N 117° 08' W
36° 58' N 122° 00' WColorado
38.848°, -105.117°
39° 37' N 106° 02' W
40.052, -105.045
40° 33' N 105° 04' W
40.422906°, -104.971619°
) 37.3475,-108.291Connecticut
see New England aboveDelaware
38° 32' 43" N 75° 05' 25° WFlorida
25° 47' N 80° 12' W
28.471106°, -81.243896°
27° 30' 30" N 81° 26' 17" W
27° 57' N, 82° 27' W
32.653469 -83.759003
32.653 -83.759
33.410 -85.255
35.211°, 24.929°
38.416°, -87.763°
37.530 -95.831Kentucky
30° 12' N 92° 01' WMaine
44.187302°, -68.921144°Maryland
42.24 ° -83.72 °
42° 20' N 83° 02' W
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore National Park Service
43° 58' N 84° 29' W
42.966 -85.671
) 46° 15' 13" N 87° 05' 07" W
44° 45' N 85° 36' WMinnesota
44° 30' N 92° 54' W
46.788 -92.099
44° 53' N 94° 22' W
44° 58' N 93° 16' W
43° 37' N 95° 35' WMississippi
31° 52' N 89° 44' W
31.8868 -88.9839/31°53'12.5"N 88°59'02.0"WMissouri
46.595°, -112.026°
48.41 -114.34Nebraska
41° 15' N 95° 56' WNevada
36° 10' N 115° 09' W
New Hampshire
New Jersey
40° 43' N 70° 43' W
40° 57' N 74° 01' WNew Mexico
35° 05' N 106° 39' W
New York
41° 31' N 74° 14' W
43.406, -76.126
43.156,-77.616North Carolina
35.181 -83.384
North Dakota
41° 30' N 81 ° 40' W
39° 57' N 83° 00' W - More about ColumbusOklahoma
- More about Portland
44° 21' N 121° 10' WPennsylvania
40.2637, -76.710
40.044438°, -76.303°
41° 16' N 75° 53' W / 41° 26' N 75° 39' WRhode Island
see New England aboveSouth Carolina
35° 10' N 82° 11' W 43.488,-97.220South Dakota
44.081 -103.230Tennessee
35.960223°, -84.182739°
36° 09' N 86° 47' WTexas
29° 45' N 95° 21' W
29° 25' N 98° 29' W
33.427, -94.063
30° 26'N 95° 35'WUtah
39.601° -110.811°
40.759 ° -111.888 °Vermont
38° 01' 55" N 78° 29' 09" W
38° 18' N 77 ° 27' W
- More about Petersburg
37° 32' 41" N 77° 26' 44" W
Washington State
47.810652°, -122.377355°
West Virginia
44° 26' 55" N 88° 02' 44"W
43° 02' N 87° 54' W
34° 28' S 57° 50' W
34° 53' S 56° 10' W
34° 58' S 54° 56' W
10° 14' N 67° 35' W
N 08.34.690 W 071.09.930
21° 01' N 105° 50' E
TEST ONLY, don't waste your time
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Translation Table for City Names
NEW! Download the waypoint file of all current communities here in:
- OziExplorer format, or in
- .gpx format.
- Waypoint files generously created and maintained by Alfons van Hoof.
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