HU Virginia 2025

Virginia 2025 Travellers Meeting

2025 marks 25 years of Horizons Unlimited Travellers Meetings, and over 300 events worldwide!

Online Registration for Adventure Travellers

The pre-registration form on this page is for adventure travellers wishing to attend the Virginia 2025 event.

The event is taking place at Holiday Lake 4-H Educational Center and Camp in the Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest, Virginia,
from Thursday, April 24 to Sunday, April 27, 2025

If you have already registered for this event, but still need to pay, please click here to go to the payment page.

Still have questions about the event, after reading the information page? Ask us here!

If you will be attending the event as a couple or in a group, please note that a SEPARATE registration form
must be completed for EACH individual with their name and contact details.

Throughout this form * indicates a required entry or selection.

About You

First Name *

Last Name *


Re-Enter Email Address *

Home Town / City *

Province / State etc. *

Home Country *

HUBB User Name

Mobile/Cell Number

How did you hear about this event?

Have you been to this event before?*

Have you attended any other HU events before? *

How will you travel to the event? *

OPTIONAL: What is your age?  

Are you:




Choose your Event Package Options

THREE Nights, arriving Thursday, leaving Sunday before noon.

Registration fee includes admission to all presentations, demonstrations, discussion groups, tech clinics, parking and Wi-Fi access in some areas. And yes it's now finally MUCH better than it was! But - it's not superb!

Register & pay BEFORE April 18, 2025 to save! 99yes

Food and Accommodation


You must choose one only! *
Full 8 meal package, Thursday dinner to Sunday breakfast
6 meal package, Thursday dinner to Sunday breakfast, NO LUNCH 125  
5 meal package, Friday dinner to Sunday breakfast 105  
4 meal package, Friday dinner to Sunday breakfast, NO LUNCH 85  

Partial meal packages leave lunch up to you, and may make sense if you're planning on a ride-out on Friday or Saturday.

Dietary restrictions:

We will accommodate with your choice as best we can.
(if we've missed something, there is an "Other" option to enter yours.)

Please select all dietary restrictions and/or allergies that effect you.
Please NOTE that we CANNOT guarantee any of these options if you do not pre-order your meals now.

IF you haven't already requested your special diet, click here to do so, (opens in a new window) when done close that window and come back here to finish ordering WHICH meal package you want.

Be sure to ASK for your special meal at meal-times, and the cook will get it out for you or point you to the appropriate dishes.


Choose ONE! *
Not staying on site, so I don't need anything.


Camping for 3 nights: Thursday, Friday and Saturday night, per PERSON 50  
Camping for 2 nights: Friday and Saturday night, per PERSON 35  

Cabins / Bunkhouses / PODs

IMPORTANT: There is NO bedding supplied, bring your own pillow and sleeping bag.
We do NOT use the upper bunks, so no climbing required. All beds are sized for one person.

There are separate male and female Rustic Cabins and Bunkhouses.
You will be assigned a cabin / bunkhouse, so please let us know in the comments if you want to share with someone.

Cabins are unheated with washrooms in a separate, shared (separate M/F) bathhouse.

Bunkhouses are unheated, and have bathroom with showers included inside each one.

PODS: There are five of these, but the accommodations inside have changed a little for this year. The five pods have two bedrooms each with one bed in each bedroom, plus a bathroom. The former sitting room is now curtained off to make a third sleeping area so the pods can now accommodate three people. The pods have heat and A/C.

All cabin, bunkhouse and POD space is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Register early to ensure your accommodations!

Bed in shared room, per person, maximum four per Cabin: THREE nights
Bed in shared room, per person, maximum four per Cabin, TWO nights
Bed in heated Bunkhouse with bathroom, per person: THREE nights
Bed in heated Bunkhouse with bathroom, per person: TWO nights

Bed in semi-private POD with heat and a/c, two bedrooms plus third sleeping area per pod, bathroom, and Wi-Fi, per person: THREE nights only..

RV Parking, several spaces available, PARKING ONLY, NO electric, NO water hookup, NO waste disposal, you need to be 100% self-contained.
Price is per vehicle up to TWO people, (additional person 25 per person per night, pay on the day)
      THREE nights - Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.
      TWO nights - Friday and Saturday nights.
I'm the second person sharing an RV or Tent Trailer or similar (First person selects the appropriate option above, either 2 or 3 nights) Free  

Be a Horizons Unlimited Member!

Special price at HU Events!

Annual Horizons Unlimited Membership (What's membership all about?)
Annual Horizons Unlimited GOLD Membership (What's membership all about?)

Training for Travel

It's time to regain your riding legs - maybe you've been brushing up on your skills, or maybe it's long past time you did? Got a new Adventure bike, and finding it a little intimidating? Your first experience on gravel or dirt was terrifying, or disastrous?

Get an extra confidence boost by taking off-road and slow speed skills training at the HU Virginia event!

Rider training at HU Virginia

Sign up for 1- day of off-road training with Tom Asher at a special low price of $195! Training takes place on Friday and Saturday of the event. Openings are limited to maintain a good student-to-instructor ratio. This ensures a better training experience for all! Registration closes when we're full.

Remember: You MUST be registered for HU Virginia in order to take this training!

PRE-Registration is strongly recommended. There MAY be spaces available on the day, there may not!

The class will run if there are at least 7 students.

NEW Training area

Complete with bathroom facilities.

Training pavilion

Training Pavilion

LARGE Trainng area

A LARGE Training area so you'll have trouble hitting a tree!


The focus for all training is on Slow-Speed maneuvers. Key fundamentals for newer off-road riders and excellent tips for more experienced riders, especially those coming from an all street background. Slow speed maneuvers are THE KEY to successful off-road riding.

Tom Asher Adventure Rider Academy

Tom Asher Adventure Rider Academy. Expanding limits is what we do. Learn what limits we've been expanding lately, come join us and expand yours!

"Expanding limits is what we do.
Learn what limits we've been expanding lately, come join us and expand yours!"

TAARA, Tom Asher Adventure Rider Academy, is an adventure motorcycle riding school that teaches real-world techniques that can be applied to real-world adventures.

A member of Team USA in the 2016 GS Trophy, Tom Asher has over 15 years' experience developing skills designed specifically for large adventure bikes in off-road conditions, and also has extensive experience in off-road motorcycle racing. The expertise he has acquired has earned him a reputation for being able to take a motorcycle anywhere on any terrain, which he recently demonstrated as the first rider to enter an extreme hard enduro on a BMW R1200GSA at the 2016 Tennessee KnockOut. Tom has over 15 years' experience training individuals and groups, and is a professional mechanic.

Our mission at TAARA is to equip the adventure rider with the skills necessary to successfully complete their journey, whether near home or on an epic adventure. ​ Our individual and group classes teach techniques that help riders use body position, clutch, throttle, and brakes to tackle surfaces and obstacles including gravel, rocks, sand, switchbacks, water crossings, mud, logs, and ascents/descents. These techniques are designed to conserve rider energy and keep the motorcycle intact, increasing the rider's confidence in safely navigating a variety of real-world conditions.​ By training with TAARA, you can accomplish great things riding off-road, more than you ever thought possible!

Training takes place at HU Virginia from 08:00 – 17:00, with a break for lunch.

Friday and Saturday: Slow-speed maneuvers. Key fundamentals for newer off-road riders and excellent tips for more experienced riders, and prepares all riders for the more advanced skills in a Level 2 course you might take at TAARA.

  • Adventure bike set up and ergonomics
  • Standing: How, why, when and where
  • Throttle and brake control on dirt and gravel
  • Emergency braking
  • Steering by weight transfer
  • Slow speed maneuvers, the base of EVERYTHING going forward.
  • The afternoon is spent on the trail, putting what you learned in the morning into practice!

Class size is very limited to provide a high level of attention to each rider. This ensures a better training experience for all!

Registration closes when we're full. For changes, please reply to your confirmation email. These classes do sell out quickly, so please reserve your spot early.

All classes: MANDATORY RIDING GEAR IS REQUIRED FOR PARTICIPATION. Assume good protective gear, and the bike must be road-legal and insured. Questions, please reply to your confirmation email or in the comments box below.

Tires - what do I need?

We always recommend good dual purpose tires for the best results and safest experience.

Tom Asher, your trainer, says: "Any tire is going to be fine. Keep in mind if it's wet it may be a little more difficult with a street oriented tire. But we will get everyone through just fine."

Sign up NOW - LAST year we SOLD OUT very early!

Choose your Off-Road Training Class

IMPORTANT: BE there, READY to ride, 10 minutes before - class STARTS on the dot.

09:00 - 1:00
2:00 - 5:00
Tom Asher Training, Level 1
09:00 - 1:00
2:00 - 5:00
Tom Asher Training, Level 1

Note: If you have any comments or questions, please use the comments field below or reply to your confirmation email.

Join the Volunteer Crew

From welcoming travellers at the gate, to taking care of the campsite and making sure all the presentations run smoothly, the success of every HU event relies on the enthusiasm of its volunteer crew. Volunteering only involves a few hours of your time. It's a great way to make new friends, get more involved with Horizons Unlimited and have loads of fun!

If you have a current first-aid qualification, or if you're a Doctor, Nurse or Paramedic, would you mind being on call for two or three 4-hour shifts to deal with any (minor) medical emergencies? Please join the Volunteers crew.

We send out an event Presenters schedule approximately two weeks before the event to the volunteers along with a Volunteer schedule. You see the schedule before everyone else does! You can then feed back any changes you need so you get to the seminars you want to see - we don't want you to miss anything!

ORDER NOW to be sure to get YOUR SPECIAL
25th Year of HU Events Commemorative T-shirt!

VERY FEW T-shirts will be available from the HU Store at the event.

Black T-shirt
Mouse over the t-shirt to see the front!


Cotton: 30

High-quality, pre-shrunk, heavy-duty 100% cotton in normal Unisex sizes. Pre-order only!



  Black T-Shirt

Cotton - Black

  Grey T-Shirt

Cotton - Grey


Please NOTE:
If you're ordering XXL, or XXXL,
there is a $5.00 surcharge:

Synthetic: 38

Lightweight, sweat-wicking synthetic; Unisex sizes.
The ideal adventure travel T-shirt with the HU logo on the chest and this years slogan on the back.
Black T-Shirt


Grey T-Shirt

Gunmetal Grey

Navy Blue T-Shirt


Royal Blue T-Shirt


Orange T-Shirt


Maroon T-Shirt


Red T-Shirt


Please NOTE:
If you're ordering XXL, or XXXL, there is a $5.00 surcharge:

LADIES Synthetic: 38

Lightweight, sweat-wicking synthetic in normal Ladies sizes.
The ideal adventure travel T-shirt with the HU logo on the chest and this years slogan on the back.
Ladies Safety Pink TShirt



Ladies Safety Pink TShirt

Tropic Blue / Teal


Ladies Safety Pink TShirt



Ladies Navy Blue TShirt



Ladies Royal Blue TShirt



Ladies Red TShirt

True Red



Long Sleeve Synthetic: 45

Lightweight, sweat-wicking synthetic in normal unisex sizes.
The ideal adventure travel T-shirt with the HU logo on the chest and this years slogan on the back.
Black Long Sleeve TShirt



Coal Grey Long Sleeve TShirt

Coal Grey


Royal Blue Long Sleeve TShirt



True Red Long Sleeve TShirt




Please NOTE:
If you're ordering XXL, or XXXL, there is a $5.00 surcharge per shirt:

Customise your Event Pass

Let people know what you ride, where you've been, and where you WANT to go! A GREAT conversation starter on your name badge!

What is the make and model of your motorcycle, bicycle or expedition vehicle? *

What areas have you visited so far in your travels?*

Name one part of the world you would most like to explore? *

This is a conversation-starter. Usually where you want to go, or can be technical expertise, whatever you like.

Read and accept our Terms and Conditions

I have read and agree to the Horizons Unlimited terms and conditions for entry to the event
and I understand that I will be required to sign a written waiver at the event before I can participate.


Comments or special requirements

Nearly finished...

Button not working? Click YES I AGREE to the terms and conditions above.