Staying healthy on the road
This section consists of health and safety related information recorded from our own trips, plus other travellers information as we get it, and useful links to much more.
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On Terrorism page:
Travel Medical Tips
Diseases caught by eating contaminated food or drink include Hepatitis A, Salmonella, Typhoid and diarrhoea:
- Do not drink milk or eat dairy products which may be unpasteurized.
- Avoid salads unless vegetables have been treated
- Avoid uncooked food unless you prepare it - for example, peel all fruit yourself.
- Avoid food which has been re-heated, kept warm or exposed to flies.
- Remember ice is made from local water
- Drink fizzy bottled water or soft drinks - ensure you open the bottle yourself
- Boiling water may not be sufficient to kill all bacteria - should filter, then treat with iodine or chlorine (Puritabs) tablets.
- Strict personal hygiene
Avoid insect and mosquito bites. Cover up, especially after dusk. Use DEET based insect repellents. Take malaria prophylaxis strictly on schedule.
Sun damage is cumulative and can cause skin cancer - Use effective sun block.
Do not play with animals.
Travel Medical Kit - an example
Our travel medical kit actual contents for Africa
First Aid Kit
- Small pressure dressing
- Large gauze bandage
- 3 Spenco Second skin
- 5 2 Towelettes + 3 abrasion cleaning pads
- 1 Thermometer
- 1 Scissors
- 1 Tweezers
- 8 Safety pins
- 1 Matches
- Assorted small bandaids
- 1 Elastic bandage
- 1 Adhesive tape - small rolls
- Gauze rolls
- Disposable gloves (sterile)
- Q-tips
- 2 2 soakers
- Triangle bandages
- 2 Slings
- 1 SAM splint
- Wound closure strips
- Tincture of benzoin (enhances adhesiveness of wound closure strips
- 1 Sawyer's Extractor snake bite kit
- 1 Tick kit and instructions
- 1 Mountaineering Medicine
- 28g Cortaid 1% hydrocortisone cream
- 1 Aloe vera gel (burn ointment)-nalgene bottle
- Blister treatment
- 1 Dental kit
- 14g Neomycin ointment
- 56 Malaria prophylaxis - Mefloquine (Lariam) - 28 weeks supply
- 54 Quinine (48) & fansidar (6) for two courses of malaria treatment
- 30 Antibiotic - Ciprofloxacin (250 mg)
- 80 Pain relief - Solpadeine (paracetamol w/codeine)
- 60 Loperamide / Imodium - 2 mg
- 2 Scopoderm TTS - motion sickness patches
- 4 Bonine - motion sickness tablets
- 20 Cinnarizine (Stugeron) - motion sickness
- 10 Gastrolyte packages
- 24 Sudafed (decongestant)
- 14 Triludan (antihistamine for allergies)
- 1 pkg. Syringes (with doctor's letter)
- 24 Sodium dichlorisocyanurate - water purification
- 10g Potassium permanganate (for cleaning fruits and vegetables)
- 55g Mycil antifungal powder - 55g
- 25 g Mycil antifungal ointment - 25 g
- 10 ml Eye drops for conjunctivitis - 10 ml
- 3g Antibiotic eye ointment - 3g
- 11 Acid blockers (antacids)
- Small tube of Vaseline
- prescription drugs
Grant Johnson29 Sep 2024 - 01:38Calling all adventure bikers! Whether you're tearing up the trails or cruising coastlines, gear up for the ultimate trio of hygiene and protection with The Intrepid Explorer's Adventure Pack – designed to keep you fresh, protected, and bug-free, no matter how wild the ride gets.Powdered Hair & Body Wash – When you're miles from a proper shower but still want to feel like a legend, this compact, concentrated formula has got your back (and your hair). Lightweight, easy to carry, and water-activated – it's your perfect travel companion when space is tight but cleanliness is a must.Moisturising SPF50 Sunscreen – The sun may be relentless, but so are you. Our SPF50 sunscreen is dual-purpose, acting as your daytime moisturizer while giving you max protection against harmful UVA & UVB rays. Keep your skin nourished and shielded, even on those long, sun-soaked rides.Moisturising Insect Repellent – Nothing ruins a great ride like relentless bugs. Our Moisturising Insect Repellent doubles as a nighttime moisturizer, keeping your skin smooth and free from pesky critters when the sun sets and the real adventure begins.This trio pack is your ultimate, space-saving solution for any adventure on two wheels. Lightweight, natural, and built for bikers who live for the journey. Whether you're tackling the backcountry or carving through cities, your hygiene and protection are sorted.Ride free. Ride clean. Ride protected. The Intrepid Explorer's Trio Pack – for bikers who never stop exploring.
Grant Johnson27 Sep 2010 - 19:02United Kingdom
Travel medications available from, including malaria tablets, travel sickness/diarrhoea plus Diamox for high altitudes (a UK regulated service).
admin11 Apr 2008 - 18:55
From Ed Messenger, on the HUBB, re Medical Evacuation Insurance:
"Luckily I never had to use it but I got MedjetAssist last year. Your first year is $175, they have their own hospital planes or will book you on a commercial flight if you're mobile. They fly you home- not just to the hospital closest to your location. They'll even work with you inside the US if you have an accident 500 miles from home, or need to be flown to Mayo clinic for special treatments.
Their rules are easier to meet than most other companies in terms of getting qualified for evacuation. In a nutshell if you are admitted to any bush hospital and can get a local official to say you need prolonged care, or advanced treatment they'll come get you. I found them through a friend who was very concerned about the best policy and did lots of research before getting it himself. Ed"
Michael Paull adds his endorsement of MedJet (and he DID use their services - twice!):
"... After an additional three days in Beijing, I was deemed stable enough for air evacuation back to the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle, WA, in the company of my wife Aillene (who had flown in from Japan), and an air transport trauma nurse provided by the company that I had procured medical evacuation insurance from, MedjetAssist - without doubt, the best insurance coverage I have ever purchased in my life.
A small plug here - these people were remarkable... If there was ever a better case for '...don't leave home without it.', MedjetAssist is at the top of my checklist, no matter where I travel (and I hope to do a LOT more)."
Note: Per the MedjetAssist site: "... a medical transport between Europe and America can run more than $35,000. Middle East and South American flights range from $60,000 to $80,000. Transport from Asia often exceeds $100,000." Sounds like $175.00 is pretty cheap insurance!
Click the logo below for USA and Canada citizens to find out more. You can get MedjetAssist now!
For OTHER nationalities it is currently a little more complicated. There IS a Foreign National Plan, but you can't enroll online. It's a faxable enrollment and subject to underwriting approval. The rates are the same, but transport is restricted to "back to home country - hospital of choice" rather than "anywhere in the world - hospital of choice". Also they are VERY particular about which countries you go to. If it's not on the "good list" they won't cover you. We are working on improving all of that, but at least it IS available! Go here to contact MedjetAssist and inquire about the Foreign National Plan.
Not sure you need insurance? Read this article in Forbes
Grant Johnson1 Jan 2008 - 01:01
Important: For more information on what World Nomad's policies cover, read this page
Grant says: ALWAYS read the policy CAREFULLY to be SURE you are covered on your motorcycle. There are exceptions and variations depending on home country, where you're going and a lot of other things. For example, UK residents are not covered for motorcycle touring! "No Touring or where a motorbike is the main mode of transport. No Personal Liability Cover."
Grant Johnson15 Jan 2025 - 02:16
Here you’ll find books and health materials in English. Hesperian publishes and distributes easy-to-understand health information as books, booklets, fact sheets, mobile apps, free online resources and more.
Our wide range of resources on many health topics are used around the world by over 20,000 people every day! Many are available in multiple languages. You can help give people reliable, needed health information by supporting our work with a gift or buying directly from us.
Downloadable pdf's on just about everything medical.
Grant Johnson14 Oct 2021 - 18:27
Good Tips and advice on travelling on public transport during a pandemic.
judytrainaidinc4 Jan 2015 - 11:32
TrainAidInc - Making First Aid, Second Nature
Has it happened to you ? You're out on a ride with your buddies and somebody has an 'off'. You might like to consider knowing a little about Emergency Life Support and biking relevant First Aid AND what to do in a foreign country miles from home. TrainAidInc offer a 3 hrs long course covering a range of relevant subjects including Emergency Life Support and Helmet Removal. Prices for the 3 hrs course start as low as £15 p/p - but it might be the BEST £15 you spend. TrainAidInc has only delivered in the UK to date but is looking into delivery over in the EU for 2015.
See or email or call 07816481794 for details.
Ride Safe - Judy
An unconscious non breathing casualty could die within 4 mins without First Aid ! YOU could be a Life Saver.
Anonymous2 Jan 2014 - 20:17United Kingdom
ZenPlugs Molded Motorcycle Ear Plugs are perfect for use under motorcycle helmets as they don't protrude from the ears and so stay in when you put your helmet on. They effectively block wind and traffic noise and are even antibacterial so help to prevent ear infections if you wear your ear plugs frequently or for prolonged periods of time.
Grant Johnson10 Mar 2013 - 11:58
Global Rescue is the premier provider of medical, security and evacuation services worldwide and is the only company that will come to you, wherever you are, and evacuate you to your home hospital of choice. Additionally, Global Rescue places no restrictions on country of citizenship – all nationalities are eligible to sign-up.
Member Benefits Include:
- Field Rescue from the point of illness or injury
- 24hr medical advisory services from critical care paramedics and in-house physicians
- Specialists at Johns Hopkins Medicine available in real-time
- Evacuation back to the member’s home hospital of choice
- Global network of medical Centers Of Excellence
- Deployable medical and security teams
- Medical Evacuation services up to $500,000
- No restrictions on activity or destination
Global Rescue's medical membership will provide services for a member’s transport, up to $500,000, from the point of illness or injury back to his or her home country hospital of choice. The member must be 160 miles from home and have a condition that requires inpatient hospitalization.
By including security, a member is choosing to protect themselves in non-medical emergencies. If Global Rescue determines that a member is in danger of imminent grievous bodily harm, we will provide services for a member’s transport, up to $100,000, from their location to his or her home country. We strongly recommend a security upgrade whenever there is risk of natural disaster, civil unrest, terrorism, or war.
All Global Rescue members have exclusive 24/7 access to the Global Rescue Intelligence Database and our Operations Center staffed by medical professionals and security specialists.
It is important to note that Global Rescue is not an insurance company. We are unable to reimburse costs that have not been authorized by Global Rescue and do not cover medical bills, hospital stays, trip cancellation, lost baggage, etc.
Membership Types:
Individual Membership: For individuals up to age 75 (Memberships for travelers between 75 and 85 are available - call 1-800-381-9754 for details in the USA, or 1-617-459-4200 internationally).
Family Membership: For individuals, their spouse (or domestic partner) and up to four dependent children under age 18 (or under age 23 if full-time students).
Duration of membership:
Short-Term Membership: Available for single trips in durations of 7, 14, and 30 days.
Annual Membership: Membership for an entire year when you are more than 160 miles from home. The standard membership plan allows an unlimited number of trips of up to 45 continuous days each. Other options are available that allow trip lengths of 90, 180, and even a full 365 days. Multi-year rates are also available. Call 1-800-381-9754 for details in the USA, or 1-617-459-4200 internationally.
For much more, go to the website at: by HU!
Grant Johnson7 Apr 2011 - 01:33United Kingdom
Travel Insurance "Motorcycling is included as a normal activity so long as you have a license and ride a similar bike back home. Olly"
From their site: "Designed For: Individuals and groups who require private healthcare insurance whilst living or travelling abroad.
Eligibility: Available to persons living or working outside of their country of nationality, with the exception of persons residing in the USA and Switzerland.
Age Limits: Up to and including age 61." -
Grant Johnson10 Nov 2009 - 05:07
"This seminar was designed to give us the basic background and some guidelines to follow so that we can be the calm person who has some idea of what needs to be done without overreacting."
Grant Johnson28 Apr 2008 - 17:01
"A comparison of mechanical properties of off-road motorcycle boots."
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 16:44
"Shoreland, the trusted resource of travel medicine practitioners around the globe, created Travel Health Online to help you on your way to a safe, healthy adventure"
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 16:38
"Hickok & Boardman Insurance is the oldest and one of the largest retail insurance agencies in Vermont." Offers commercial insurance and personal insurance.
Maria Robinson from London, Surrey, Britain said: "Quote: Nearly £500 for 6 months worldwide excl. US/CAD (max cover seems to be 6 months. Not sure it can be extended)"
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 16:38Canada
Canada Travel Medicine Program, excellent current information on international disease outbreaks, immunization recommendations for international travel, general health advice for international travellers, disease-specific treatment and prevention guidelines. Recommended.
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 16:38
"The heat index (see chart...) is the "feels like", or apparent, temperature. As relative humidity increases, the air seems warmer than it actually is because the body is less able to cool itself via evaporation of perspiration. As the heat index rises, so do health risks..." Read all about it, copy the chart and take it with you.
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 16:31
"... a leading provider of information and products dedicated to the health and safety of the traveler."
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 16:31United Kingdom
"I was listening to other bikers talking about their aches and pains, their dodgy shoulders, knees, bad backs, how camping always made them stiff and achey and I kept thinking quietly to myself 'yoga would help that'." More on why yoga is a good thing for riding! Grant says: Tori's first session was at HU Meeting UK, and is already a regular fixture there!
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 16:31
This is a British site, but it provides insurance for all nationals and coverage up to 24 months."
Maria Robinson from London, Surrey, Britain said: "Cover motorcycling. Restriction: no compensation payment in case of disability as a result of a bike accident but will cover medical costs resulting from an accident on the bike. Quote: £400 pp for 10months worldwide excl. US/CAD"
Bruce, UK, April 2007 said : "Best choice by far has been 'worldwideinsure', they have covered my wife and myself for 4 months in the USA... £248 :-)"
Susan Johnson from London said (22 Aug/08): "Confirming Maria's comment, motorcycle travel is covered, with the following restrictions: Personal Liability is not covered in the event of a bike accident, as it is expected to be covered by your bike insurance policy. And the Personal Accident cash payment will not be payable in the event of a bike accident. However, medical and emergency expenses are fully covered even in a bike accident.
We just renewed our Annual Multi-Trip policy - max 62 days per trip, Elite (no excess), Worldwide cover is quoted as £246 for a couple. We declined Baggage or Money cover and got a 10% discount for renewal, so total cost £188. For info, we are in the 50-64 year category (sigh...), but they will cover up to 69 years." -
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 16:31
Coverage restricted to EEC residents, and geared for under-35 (though us ancients can get coverage).
Premium for 12 months with no geographical limits is £296.00. Add 20% for ages 36-55. Add 40% for ages 56-64. "Motorcycling is covered under all sections except for Personal Accident and Personal Liability, medical expenses will be covered under the Medical Expenses section".
From Cynthia Milton: Navigator insurance only covers to age 50 for travellers.
Maria Robinson from London, Surrey, Britain said: "Gold and diamonds policies include motorcycling. Add 25% to the quoted price for >35yr old. Riders must wear helmet at any time and must hold licence- I was quoted £280 (I'm >35!) for 10 months worldwide excl. US/CAD and excluding luggage/passport/cash insurance (that gives you a 15% discount)."
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 16:31
"The CIWEC Clinic Travel Medicine Center is the best source of Western medical care in Nepal and one of the most famous destination travel medicine clinics in the world." It is in Nepal.
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 16:31
Motorcycle accident cause factors and identification of countermeasures - READ IT!
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 15:38
Traveller's Health info and more
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 15:38
"A4 maps of malaria in Windows Bitmap (bmp) format"
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 15:38
The information "is provided as a general guide to the main principles of First Aid treatment and is based upon recognised basic medical principals."
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 15:38United States of America
They have no motorcycle restrictions for ordinary travellers. Evacuation is included in their coverage.
Recommended by David McMillan from San Francisco, CA, USA. -
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 14:22United Kingdom
"Here is a good link of the better known UK travel insurance offerings. Make sure you read the small print to make sure you're covered as a biker. It might also be a good idea to e-mail them if you have any questions on what is/what's not covered before you buy, to beef up you legal position if you do claim. Some of the people on the helpdesks told me bikes weren't covered, although it said so in the small print."
Post by GS George on the HUBB, 19 April 2002 -
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 14:22United Kingdom
"Trailfinders Tailormade Travel Insurance, developed over some 35 years and effected by AXA Insurance UK Plc, has been specifically designed to cater for all types of traveller on all types of holidays."
Maria Robinson from London, Surrey, Britain said: "cover motorcycling with no restriction, only add 50% to the quoted premium from their website to include motorcycling- Example £509pp for 10months worldwide exc. CAD/US"
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 14:22United Kingdom
"Specialize solely in travel insurance...budget traveller...already travelling" etc. UK based (NO USA citizens) but all others ok.
Explorer policy - "Specially for the budget traveller covering yourself for the necessities", maximum age 40, is £181.50 for 12 months worldwide coverage. Motorcycling coverage restricted to under 500cc.
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 14:22United Kingdom
"With STA Travel's Premier insurance you have the most extensive cover available."22 Aug/08 - POST by Susan Johnson: STA's policy includes the following under Adventure Sports covered:"Motorcycle Touring, Motorcycling up to 125cc where the appropriate licence is held, where claims and convictions free for previous 3 years and where wearing a helmet"
When queried about the difference between these two items on 22 Aug/08, and after checking with a supervisor, I was advised that 'Motorcycle Touring' means travelling with an organised tour company, BUT the restriction on 125cc still holds! This on a policy that covers Mountaineering, Heliskiing, Caving, Parapenting and about 100 other activities :-(
We're leaving this entry here, as if you are going RTW on a 125cc bike or smaller and have the appropriate licence you should be okay to get coverage. Meanwhile, we will write to the company and tell them their policy is absurd!
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 14:22AustraliaNew ZealandUnited Kingdom
"Comprehensive Travel Insurance for the Adventurous Traveller Downunder & World Wide". Offer a range of medical insurance policies for residents of Australia, NZ or UK
Also claim to offer vehicle insurance for non-UK residents, but upon inquiry, they don't include motorcycles in their definition of vehicles. Boo! Hiss!
Grant Johnson2 Apr 2008 - 14:14Germany
"If you are looking for a long term (or unlimited) full private health insurance (not only a travel insurance) with worldwide coverage you can try (insurance broker with good service !) The site is in German and the different types of insurance cover are mainly for Germans/Austrian/Swiss citizens." Post by Nannup, a new member on the HUBB, 24 March 2002
Medical Insurance
Many insurers consider motorcycling to be a hazardous activity, (I can't imagine why) and you must check the fine print of any online quote for exclusions to ensure you will have coverage. A favourite insurers trick is to say "yes we cover motorcycles" and when you check the fine print you discover the fine print: "up to 125cc". They aren't thinking long term big bike trips but riding around a Caribbean island on a scooter while on holidays.
We try to list the various insurers who provide long-term cover (up to 2 years) which does not exclude motorcycling, and we try document what nationalities they cover, and the rates for various ages and areas so you can determine costs. If you find any information to add or contradict the listings below, please let us know!
The following article is from
Travel Insurance: To Buy or Not to Buy?
By Jill Murphy
"I thought, "It's a waste of money. Every time I've bought it, I've never used it. This time I'll do without." So off to Australia I went for four months, and not only was I promptly robbed, I got sick as well.
So the question becomes "Would it have been worth getting insurance?" Well, after doing a few calculations and looking at what it cost me to see the doctor and get an antibiotic shot and some antibiotic pills, and what I had lost from the robbery, it would still have cost more to buy the insurance. So it becomes a matter of looking at what it would really cost you if the worst should happen." More on this topic at
Don't be a Victim - Useful Advice on Crime from the Leningrad Association of Workers
- Make purchases at reputable outlets. Count your change carefully before leaving the cashier or the seller. Recount your change if the seller has recounted it a second time because of a problem to make sure you have not been tricked during the recounting. Check to make sure that the article you believe you have purchased is the one that is packed for you.
- Do not believe that you are getting a bargain. When you believe this, watch out; chances are good that you are being set up. Thieves understand and utilize human emotions such as greed and lust. Situations in which these emotions are most commonly played upon include dealings with vendors of so-called antiquities and in currency exchanges.
- Do not place convenience over your personal security. Street vendors are certainly convenient, but dealing with them necessitates that you subject yourself to the scrutiny of bystanders who will make note of the location of your passport, money and other valuables. In many instances, shortly after making a purchase, the customer falls victim to street thieves.
- Do not invite people you do not know well into your living quarters. Do not open the door to your quarters to unknown individuals. Do not tell strangers where you are staying or your travel plans.
- If you feel you are being followed, apply to the police for help. If you are in trouble, yell pozhar (fire) to attract attention for aid.
- Be constantly aware and on the alert.
- Do not purchase drinks from already-opened bottles, i.e. in bars. Never drink alcoholic beverages without having a trusted friend along who has agreed to remain sober. Even slight intoxication is noted by professional thieves.
- Dress down and do not flash cash or jewelry.
- Avoid crowds.
- When out on the town, leave hard-to-replace, nonessential items such as passports, credit cards, driver's licenses and family pictures with the hotel security office. Disperse your money throughout your garments. Remember the amounts in each location and when making purchases retrieve only the amount of money needed for the purchase. Never display large sums of money.
- Never patronize unmarked taxis or enter any taxi carrying unfamiliar passengers. Agree upon the price and destination prior to entering the vehicle.
- Do not leave any items inside the vehicle when it is parked. Do not park in dark and isolated places.
- When a victim of a crime, be it a violent act or general trickery, do not let your vanity or apathy prevent you from immediately making a report to the police and your embassy or consulate. Others will benefit. In addition, stolen items are routinely retrieved.
Country Alerts
U.S. State Department Advisories
Advisories of risks to travelers, including crime, terrorism, road conditions, airline safety & medical, as well as USA consular info. for most countries. You can also subscribe to receive automatic updates by e-mail, but be warned, it is impossible to unsubscribe, so you may wish to give them a Hotmail address!
Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade - Advisories, travel info etc.
"The FCO's country-specific Travel Advice notices aim to ensure that British travellers are well prepared before their departure".
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