Adblue .........................
........................ aka Diesel Exhaust Fluid.
Chatting with a truck driver a while ago, whose job it was to deliver this stuff to various service stations around the UK, I started to take note of it's existence.
Until then I had never even heard of it or recognised the existence of such material (since then I can't help but notice the adverts on some service station forecourts or the storage tanks themselves).
The conversation wasn't very enlightening simply on the basis that he was making a good enough living from handling the Adblue between a bulk storage place and taking it to the forecourts where the heavy trucks are obliged to take it on board and use it, apparently by injecting it into their exhaust to mix with the fumes.
So, my curiosity leads me to ask which vehicles are using DEF nowadays and which way is the future heading?
Diesel exhaust fluid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia