Photo Contest for 2020 Calendar
The next Calendar contest will open - when we can.
Currently we're working on a sponsor to help out, and a new printer as well. Shipping workdwide is HARD and expensive. :(
The Horizons Unlimited Photo Contest is an annual event for travellers to showcase their best photographs from their travels around the world.
The best 13 photos will be used in the Horizons Unlimited calendar, and we will share the profits with the photographers. All Winners will also get a free calendar, and 1 year Gold Member status on the HUBB! Your photos could also be in an HU DVD or on the website! Time to get famous!
Stay tuned for more details!
Next HU Events
Be sure to join us for this huge milestone!
ALL Dates subject to change.
2025 Confirmed Events:
Virginia: April 24-27
Queensland is back! May 2-5
Germany Summer: May 29-June 1
Ecuador June 13-15
Bulgaria Mini: June 27-29
CanWest: July 10-13
Switzerland: Aug 14-17
Romania: Aug 22-24
Austria: Sept. 11-14
California: September 18-21
France: September 19-21
Germany Autumn: Oct 30-Nov 2
Add yourself to the Updates List for each event!
Questions about an event? Ask here
I'm usually not one to complain about much to do about nothing, however I need to say how disappointed I am with the 2019 calendar size. This is no longer an epic coffee table dream book, but a "normal" wall calendar with really cool pictures. If it's a cost thing, just charge more, or make two sizes (or for the wallet). The old format size calendar is truly an inspiration to travel. This year I purchased 9 calendars just to give to close friends and bost about HU, but was very disappointed. Hope this inspires a call to bring the old format back.
We love the bigger calendars, too, although we also got feedback that the smaller size now fits better in people’s homes/offices. Go figure. :) Thanks for gifting it to friends and family. It was never a big money-maker. We hold a photo contest and put a calendar together to inspire others. The true spirit of HU is in the global community.
As to why: Touratech-AG in Germany sponsored all the big-format calendars for the past five years. They printed it (at a much-reduced cost to us) and shipped it to distribution points around the world for us because they had the vast volume capacity to do so. That’s why a calendar sponsor is so important; we don’t have one now.
Fast-forward to 2017: Touratech went into insolvency and got bought out by new owners who cancelled ALL sponsorships worldwide, including the calendar. Luckily, the 2018 calendar had already been printed, but our all-in-one printing-shipping-distribution partner disappeared instantly.
We put a lot of effort into all that for the 2019 calendar. We learned that everything involved to get big calendars to your mailbox is a costly and major logistical endeavour. Currently, Café Press has a limited number of countries they will ship to. They were our best option in the timeframe we had. HU isn’t a printing-distribution agency and we’re working to find a solution for 2020.
In the meantime, we hope you fill the 2019 HU calendar with plenty of adventures, trips, rides and, well, LIFE all year long.
Grant and Susan
Any news about the calender? I always miss the point when to order and have a hard time finding news about the calender on the HUBB.
I also did like the big version more ;)
Thanks for all your passion and work for the HU-Community