Reasons to buy it now:
You will have more time to get to know your truck and how it feels. I find that I often "feel" when something starts going wrong on mine, then I fix it before it becomes serious and leaves me at the side of the road (not happened yet).
There will be more time to do some maintenance and repairs yourself - it is always better to do something for the first time when it is planned and you are in a comfortable unstressed situation, rather than the middle of nowhere with no access to mechanics/advice/the correct tools/etc...
You will have time to do some offroad driving to build up your experience before your trip.
Having lived with my 90 for a few months now, my wish list of mods & repairs has changed quite a bit.
You may not find another truck that you like, when the time comes to buy.
Reasons to buy later:
The price of the newer D4D's will have dropped a bit more, so you might get a better deal on one of these.
Ummm... nope, that's it
We won't be leaving on our trip for at least another 18 months, and I bought my truck 6 months ago.