Originally Posted by nessie
Cheers for that. We have done some work on our pages so the shineystat is off at the moment.
I noticed
I think the thing that may be screwing with Netscape is the MS Office fonts.
Martynbiker said he had no problems loading your page on Firefox, so that would suggest he has MS office installed on his machine... I don't have it and so don't have the fonts that are maybe in your mso install.
The other thing that would make it more browser friendly is to define your table sizes as a percentage (width) so that the user always see's the whole line of text (I have to scroll L & R to see the whole line of your page)
Anyway, all that crap is for when you return. Give you something to do in the vacuum that follows
Have a REALLY nice trip.
Nostradamus Ate My Hamster