We have a bit more time than you, so I've not been actively pushing this. However, I did get one reply from
www.monkeyshrine.com who say that you can't get cars on the passenger train, but there may be some cargo trains which you can get your truck on. We may do a recce out there next year, without vehicles, but that doesn't help you!
Full text of letter
Hello Nick,
Many thanks for your inquiry into our Trans-Siberian trips! I hope you found our web site useful.
You may have downloaded our brochure already. If not this can be done from the front page of our web site (
www.monkeyshrine.com) Alternatively, I can send a text version to you by e-mail attachment (around 300kb file size) - just let me know.
There are no facilities for shipping vehicles on the Trans Siberian trains. There may be other goods trains running from the border to Russia but you will have to contact the Chinese / Russian export companies for more help with that. It is also very difficult to obtain the permission to import cars into China, even for a short trip.
2004 Programs and Schedules will be available from January. We are planning to add Gobi desert trips in Mongolia, Ulan Ude - the Capital of Russia's Buryat Republic just north of Mongolia and expand the tours and programmes in Irkutsk and Vladivostok.
I hope this gives you some ideas, and if you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
Trans-Siberian Train -
96 BMW F650
96 Defender 90 300TDi
97 NAS D90
98 Camel Trophy 110
[This message has been edited by nickt (edited 24 November 2003).]