I figured that I would copy my 110 build thread over to here in case anyone was interested..
found on eBay, a 61 plate 110 USW with 9500 miles:
Getting stripped at Nene:
and fitted for a roll cage:
Lots happening today. Decals are on, windows are getting tinted!
Platform is getting finalized
The seats aren't actually mounted yet.
I was told this wouldn't be possible, I did it anyway
Website isn't finished yet, so I blurred out that lettering.
going on now:
tree sliders going on soon
Tree sliders getting fitted, also all hinges swapped for stainless/powdercoated ones:
Full safety devices roll cage fitted:
Might be time for some new wheels soon..

[=ajctraveler;2268638]Winch is on
Wheels and tyres are ready (there is a sixth in another part of the shop)
Platform frame is getting welded
Should be done in another two days!!!![/]
[=ajctraveler;2270577]Window caging is going in:
Drawer is mounted and frame is welded/bolted on:
Water tank is bolted to the passenger footwell:
Wheels are on:
Lots more to come tomorrow. Should be finished by the end of the day tomorrow or early thursday at the latest..[/]
rewiring for the new antenna:
Platform layed out:
Rear quarter cheqeur plate on:
Rear door plated:
Securing the platform to the frame. Compresser mounted below.
Full length:
Space for second spare wheel
Head on with new cubby box on the old wheel
Separation caging in
Platform done and spare inside
Getting some carpet