excellent! thanks for your input.
some quick responses to respond and clarify at this point
YES - "1 specific area for tech stuff ie landrover/ toyota /campervan/lorry"
YES - "2 equipment for trips
YES - "3 garages etc" - some VERY cool stuff coming here, first for bikes of course, but much of it applicable to 4wd, and we can certainly have a "4wd specific" tag. It will include hotels, routes, garages, shipping companies and more. In beta 1 not, and looks way cool.
YES - 4/shipping - see above, and also addon for the current bike shipping database tied in for 4wd.
vehicle requirements - hadn't thought of that, bikes are generally ok everywhere without much trouble, but should be easy enough to add in. YOU GUYS will be the ones to fill in the info though!

Nice thing is we have people from so many countries - over 130 at last count - that shouldn't be too hard if everyone does their own country. So that's a YES too.
Thanks for the comments re moderating too - we try for a "family pub/restaurant" atmosphere, rather than the "bar on the wrong side of the tracks".
Everyone please chime in and tell me what you want - agree or disagree with the above, what's needed etc is all helpful so we know what to concentrate on. Priorities too - what's first?
And I feel I must apologise to all of you - I've had in the back of my mind that I need to put in some time on the 4wd side, but just keep pushing it to the bottom of the pile... so give me some feedback and we'll do all we can.
We're probably looking at a two month time line to implement most of this. New HUBB forums are easy, the rest isn't - we're doing MAJOR upgrades to the back-end software over the next few weeks first, then we'll have a lot more tools to work with. (We're moving from Drupal 4.7 to Drupal 5.7, and with it vBDrupal same, and vBulletin mods)
Additional moderators would be much appreciated!
thanks, Grant