Royal Geog Soc Overland Workshop May 23
Dear All
There has been so much interest in overlanding amongst folk that the Royal Geographical Society are supporting an Overland Travel Workshop near York (UK) on Sat May 23rd.
Format is a day-long series of talks on various topics with ten typical overland trucks to look round (TLCs and LRs mainly), a medical workshop is being run and there is a range (about 15) of trade stands in attendance.
The basic idea is to bring together those who want to make a trip with those who have made a trip, add those who can sell kit to help make it happen, and get them all talking to each other.
Sorry bikers - at this stage its 4x4-oriented. Bikes welcome however!
Admission is £5 per 4x4. Camping (basic facilities) on site - PM me for details if you want to come!
Runner (Sam Watson, Yorks and NE RGS)
'91 LR 110 Def/Disco hybrid "Elsa"
Bring me the horizon....