China r Banglandesh too
Hi Rosy,
I don't know when you are going. We are Leaving April next year to do a very similar journey. We will not travel via Myanmar as this seems next to impossible.
As you said you could ship from India, but a lot of the advice we have been given was to ship from Bangladesh as this is a less chaotic venture. not sure why. Although Welcome to the Land Rover Adventure did it from india with no problems, and recommend the agent and company they used.
Aprt from that the other option is to drive through China. this is expensive and involves lots of red tape. we are going to attempt to do that and have had quotes ranging from £2-5k for the guide and paperwork for a six week trip. this price comes down if you share a guide. We will be looking for some people to join us.
NESSIESADVENTURES have found a cheaper option that this, but haven't written up their trip through China yet, so we wait with baited breath to find out how it went.
drop me a PM or email from our website if you want further details.
Also Drive to Oz - From Croydon to Cairns sre currently doing a similar trip with a couple of offspring. don't know how old your daighter is, but might make an interesting read to follow their blog.
Good luck anyhow