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Photo by Zoe Seymour, The main road south, DRC

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Photo by Zoe Seymour,
The main road south, DRC

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Old 17 Aug 2013
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Germany to South Africa via Middle East


being motorcycle travellers and now rolling with a 4WD Mitsubishi L300 we want to share our experiences with the HUBB

Our plan .... Germany to South Africa

the trouble in Egypt changed our possible route a bit, we are heading to Iran, take the ferry to UAE/Oman and get to Sudan, either by

ferry from Jeddah to Suakin


container shipping from Salalah to Port Sudan

So, fingers crossed somehow we get to EastAfrica and head south

stay tuned and enjoy our blog / fotos

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Old 21 Aug 2013
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news from Turkey

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Cheers from Erzurum

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Old 21 Aug 2013
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Hi there

I am very curious to read about your experiences as I will travel exactly the opposite direction - starting in November in Nairobi, I plan to travel through Ethiopia to Port Sudan/Suakin, take the ferry over to Jeddah, drive to Dubai and take the ferry from Sharjah to Bandar Abbas in Iran.

I am very interested in your experiences regarding the following questions:
1) Are you encountering any difficulties driving into Iran with your vehicle? Some months ago, some travellers reported some restrictions with doing this.
2) Which ferry do you use from Iran to UAE/Oman? What are the cost and how long do they take?
3) Where do you apply for and what are your experiences with getting a transit visa through Saudi Arabia?
4) What are the details of the ferry from Jeddah to Port Sudan/Suakin?

Thank you for sharing your experiences on this forum!
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Old 22 Aug 2013
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Hi Florian

step by step ... check the search here at the HUBB and at wuestenschiff.de

So far we know/think/hope

1. we just met an italian couple with a landrover in Cappadocia, they travelled during Ramadan, made a roundtrip and had no problems whatsoever and really enjoyed Iran

2. I think there is only 1 ferry, I expect about $ 800.- all inkl. for 2 pax and the minibus, 12-18 hours

3. We want to apply in Abu Dhabi (Sudan first) and it looks like it all depends on the letter from the german embassy ... otherwise they issue only for residents

4. check the search, I expect about $ 800.- to $ 1000.- ... 12-18 hours

We will see, but probably shipping from Oman to Sudan is the way to go

Good Luck
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Old 24 Aug 2013
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Hi there!

We left 6 months ago, and we were lucky to go via Egypt.

We've a travellers page on our website, where we keep usefull information about visa's and places to stay. Getting it up to date!
Home (left up corner there is a button for English)

Might see you on the road as we're having a 6months break in Uganda!

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Old 27 Aug 2013
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Hi Eef and Dries

looking foward to meet other traveller, seems like not many going down the east coast of Africa these days

We got the first quote shipping a container from Dubai to Port Sudan

Container incl. all local charges in Jebel Ali/Dubai to Port Sudan:

20" 2.125USD
40" 3.100USD

transit Time: 10 days

transport insurance 360USD

fees, fixer, custom, etc. in Port Sudan is not included

We are planning to ship sometime in November, our Minibus is about 4,60m ... the 20" container is 5,70m ... so 1 motorcycle should fit

Of course a 40" has much more space (2 cars, several motorcycles)

Anybody interested in the same shipping route and like to share the costs ???

Cheers Thomas & Andrea

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Old 27 Aug 2013
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und es geht weiter ...

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und die Fotos

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Old 29 Aug 2013
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2. quote


today we got another quote ...

Dear Mr Thomas

Please find the below rate from Salalah Oman to Port Sudan per 20' container

Freight charges : Usd 2600 Per 20' and including Local charges at Salalah.

Transit Time 13 days

Weekly Sailing

Rate Valid till 15 Sept 2013



So far the quote from Dubai is cheaper (20' $2125.-) and there is a flight directly to Port Sudan for about Euro 110.- every Monday

stay tuned ....

TuA (still at the Lake of Van in Turkey)
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Old 15 Sep 2013
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Hi Tom

Could you, please, share the contact details of the ferry company that quoted for Salalah-Port Sudan. I would like to ask them for a quotation from Djibouti to Salalah.

Have you thought about shipping the vehicle to Djibouti instead of Sudan? This would be much cheaper and quicker. We received a quotation from Maersk for the route Dubai-Djibouti that amounts to around 1200 US$ including origin and destination charges. Transit time is 5 days and departure from Djibouti is Saturday's and Sunday's. The acceptance of cargo is 24 hours before the vessel arrives.

The Contacts of the person who sent the quote (based in Kenya) are as follows

Perpetua Muthengi, Inside Sales Executive
Maersk Kenya Limited
Curzon Towers, Mombasa Road
Company Reg. No. C 57829
Tel :+254 701 407 789
Office No : +254 20 2362974
Mobile +254 701 407789
Maersk Line shipping containers worldwide

Look forward to your response with the contact details.

Travel safe,
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Old 15 Sep 2013
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Hi Tom

Further to my reply a moment ago, I just read your last blog - very interesting!

I have three questions:
1) Did you apply for the Iran visa reference number to be sent to Erzurum before you left Germany or did you initiate the visa application at the consulate at Erzurum?
2) How long did you wait in Erzurum for the visa?
3) Did you encounter any problems entering Iran with your vehicle?

Thank you for responding to these questions,
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Old 16 Sep 2013
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Originally Posted by Africa to Brazil View Post
Hi Tom

Further to my reply a moment ago, I just read your last blog - very interesting!

I have three questions:
1) Did you apply for the Iran visa reference number to be sent to Erzurum before you left Germany or did you initiate the visa application at the consulate at Erzurum?
2) How long did you wait in Erzurum for the visa?
3) Did you encounter any problems entering Iran with your vehicle?

Thank you for responding to these questions,

Hi Florian

interesting offer, but somebody at the wuestenschiff.de mentioned that Djibouti port is a nightmare and unpredictable ....

ASV shipping LLC

it takes a while for them to respond ....

1. We applied for the reference number in Turkey at a daenish agency per email, epensive but worked first class (euro 94.- p.p. and 8 days)


2. with your reference number, you go to the consulate in the morning (9am), you get the visa for
75.- euro the same day (4pm)
50.- euro the next day (4pm)

3. no, nothing, nada, all smooth and easy ... about 1,5 h of smiling and paperwork, CdP is well known at the Razi border crossing and no commercial traffic ...

We arrived in Bandar Abbas and tomorrow trying to figure the ferry to Sharjah ....

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Old 23 Sep 2013
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ferry Bandar Abbas (Iran) to Sharjah (UAE)

Sorry guys only in german, but try the google translator

Faehre Bandar Abbas (Iran) nach Sharjah (VAE)

Es ist ein laaaaanger Tag, genug zu Essen und vorallem zu Trinken ist wichtig, gut ausgeschlafen mit ner hohen Geduldsgrenze ist ebenso ratsam (grins)
Die Info ist wahrscheinlich nicht ganz vollstaendig, trotzdem sollte es jedem ne Idee geben wie der Ablauf ist.

Die GPS Koordinaten fuer Agency und Hafen sind immer noch korrekt, die Faehre faehrt immer noch abends um 21.00 Uhr (theoretisch), immer noch Montags und Mittwoch

Passapiertickets koennen vorab bei jeder Reiseagentur (ca. $ 58.-) gekauft werden, muss man aber nicht und die Bezahlung fuer das Fahrzeug findet in Sharjah in AED statt.

18.09.2013 Bandar Abbas

08.15 Uhr
South Sea Shipping Service (2.Stock, links) , am Vortag schonmal vorbeigeschaut und verhandelt, er wollte zuerst $700.- ... wir konnten dann $600.- fuer einen Mitsubishi L300 aushandeln

Passagiertickets sind 1,600.000.- Rial (Euro 40.-) pro Person plus 1.250.000,- Hafengebuehr

Wir bezahlten bei ihm im Buero direkt 4.450.000.- Rial, mit dem Versprechen dass er die Tickets dann abends in der Abfertigungshalle vorbeibringt.

09.00 Uhr
Einfahrt in das Hafengebiet, auf der linken Seite stehen Container, ein Uniformierter kontrolliert die Fahrgestellnummer/Kennzeichen und schreibt irgendwas auf Farsi auf die Rueckseite des Exitabschnitts von Carnet und schickt uns weiter ...

200m weiter, links blaeuliches Zollgebaeude, wenn man reinkommt -> ganz hinten rechts muss man die Aufmerksamkeit eines Zollbeamten erregen (einfach die Schlange ignorieren), der nimmt das Carnet und sagt ca. 30min warten ....
Nach 45min ist das Carnet gestempelt und man bekommt je ein A4 und A5 Blatt dazu (alles wieder in Farsi, lediglich meine Passnummer und die Fahrgestellnummer ist lesbar ... und er schickt uns zum anderen Zollgebaeude auf der Rueckseite (einfach um das blaue herumlaufen)

10.00 Uhr
Dort fraegt man wieder einen Beamten, der macht 2 Kopien vom A5 Blatt
Er kassiert 230.000.- Rial (Hafen/Stempel/Kopien oder was weiss ich Gebuehr) mit Quittung

11.00 Uhr
Ein weiterer Beamter macht Kopien vom Carnet und bearbeitet irgendwas weiter .... please sit down (klimatisiert)


Im naechsten Gebaeude (Abfertigung) links gibts im 2. Stock ne Kantine mit Tagesmenu (2x Fleisch mit Reis plus grosse Flasche Cola 160.000.-) nix besonderes, aber macht satt !

Dann ..... WARTEN und Lesen .....

14.30 Uhr
Mr. Sanchuri (oder so) von der Agency bearbeitet weitere Dokumente, macht Kopien, etc.
Danach schickt er mich zum blaeulichen Gebaeude zurueck, dort gibts bei der Hafensecurity einen Pass zum Reinfahren aufs Verladegelaende. Kopie vom Reisepass mitbringen, der Reisepass verbleibt bei der Security bis man den Pass wieder zurueckbringt
Achtung: nachdem das Fahrzeug dort steht kommt man nicht mehr ran, d.h. vorher alles was man so fuer den restlichen Tag braucht rausnehmen !!!

15.30 Uhr
Auto in der Ladezone geparkt und zurueck in der prallen Sonne gelatscht, uebrigens Bandar Abbas ist sehr heiss und hat eine seeeeeehr hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit! .... und dann wieder warten ...

17.00 Uhr
Umzug in die Abfertigungshalle und wieder warten ....

17.30 Uhr
Agent nimmt die Reisepaesse zum Ausstellen der Tickets mit und ward nicht mehr gesehen ...

20.00 Uhr
Nachdem die meisten Reisenden schon durch waren, haben wir uns auf die Suche nach unseren Reisepaessen/Tickets gemacht und siehe da .... er arbeitet auch noch bei der Abfertigung und da liegen auch unsere Sachen, bereit zum Abholen .... auf die Idee uns mal Bescheid zu geben ist er nicht gekommen ... kein Kommentar

20.30 Uhr
Getrennte Mann/Frau Sicherheitskontrolle und Ausreise (Immigration)

21.00 Uhr
Paesse zurueck, dann Rausgehen zum Auto ... die Fusspassagiere stuerzen auf die Faehre und sichern sich die guten Plaetze, wir fahren in die Faehre und werden vom Lademeister wieder rausgeschickt
Weil .... nun faehrt erstmal ein Tanklaster rein, weil die Faehre erstmal betankt werden muss (ca. 30.000 liter) .... kein Kommentar, die Faehre liegt den ganzen Tag im Hafen ....

22.30 Uhr
Yippee, wir duerfen nun auch reinfahren ... dann gibts oben Dinner (Reis mit Huehnchen), die Aircon steht auf 18grad, also Decke mitbringen und dann um
23.45 Uhr ABFAHRT

19.09.2013 Sharjah

10.00 Uhr Ankunft

10.15 Uhr
Agent erwartet uns beim Auto, nimmt das Carnet und ist weg .....
Wir folgen der Polizei zur Immigration, dort gehts Geschlechtergetrennt zuegig vorwaerts, wir bekommen ein 30 Tage Visum ohne Gebuehr, muessen aber warten bis alle abgefertigt sind

12.00 Uhr
Zurueck zum Agent, der will AED 2686.- statt Dollar, also zurueck zum Immigrationgebaeude, dort steht naemlich ein ATM ... uebrigens, der Agent ist sehr gewoehnungsbeduerftig und ich war sofort stinkig auf ihn, weil er nicht sehr hilfreich ist ... aber beim Kassieren ne grosse Klappe hat ...

Dann gehts zum Zollgebaeude, d.h.

linke Seite -> 1x Stempel
2. Draussen -> Fahrgestellnummer Kontrolle ... AED 20.- fuer den Inspection Report
3. Zurueck zum gleichen Beamten, Carnet wird gestempelt ... AED 80.- Gebuehr
4. Mit gestempelten Carnet zu Counter 8, rechte Seite .. dort gibts neue Papiere und AED 135.- zahlen, damit gibts die letzten Dokumente fuer YARD6
5. Im YARD 6 (das Offive wurde uns vorher gezeigt) gibts dann den Main Gate Pass, Unterschrift auf 4 verschiedenen Zetteln, 1x fuer uns / 3x fuer Main Gate

13.45 Uhr Main Gate

6. Erneute Kontrolle der Fahrgestellnummer, dann RAUSFAHREN !!!!!

Das Auto oder Gepaeck wurde nicht kontrolliert, alles lief ruhig und freundlich ab, fuer alle Zahlungen gibts beim Cashier ein Rechnung/Quittung

Welcome to the Emirates
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Old 1 Oct 2013
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Hi Tom

Thank you for this very helpful update!

I will leave Nairobi on Nov 16 and make my way through Ethiopia and Djibouti to Oman and then onwards to Iran and further east (see The Goal | Africa to Brazil).

It would be great if we can catch up somewhere along the way.

Safe travels,
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Old 5 Oct 2013
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ferry Bandar Abbas to Sharjah

Ferry Bandar Abbas (Iran) to Sharjah (UAE)

It’s a looooooong day, take enough to eat and drink with you, well slept keeps you going and calm !

This information is probably not complete, but gives you an idea how it’s works. There is no need for a fixer/helper, no bribes and everybody trys to help you. They speak English, but very few words only … but enough for the procedure.

The agency und port are still the same, the ferry runs on monday and wednesday …. and leaves at 9pm (theoretically)

You can buy passenger tickets at any agency in the country (US$ 58.- p.p.), but you don’t have to. You can buy it the day you are leaving and the payment for the vehicle is in Sharjah (AED) anyway.

18.09.2013 Bandar Abbas

08.15 am

South Sea Shipping Service (2. Floor, left) , we talked the day before about the price, first he wants $700.- for the car (4.60m x 2.00m) ... then we agreed on $600.- …a bike is probably half or even less.
We payed him 4.450.000.- Rial for the passenger ticket (1.600.000.-) and port fee (1.250.000.-) at his office
Exchange rate was US$1.- 31.500.- or Euro 1.- 40.000.-

09.00 am

Driving into the port area, left side is a container, an uniformed guy checked the VIN number and license plate and writes something in Farsi on the back side of the exitpaper from the Carnet and send us to the next building (blueish)
Enter the blueish building, go to an officer in the right end side and tell him your demand. He takes the CdP and tells you to wait for about 30min
After 45min we got the CdP Exit stamped back, together with a A4 and A5 paper in Farsi (I could read the VIN number and passport number) and send us to the building behind for the next step ...

10.00 am

There, another officer makes 2 copies of the A5 paper and ask for 230.000.- Rial stamp fee (or so) with receipt

11.00 am

Another officer makes copies from the CdP and that’s it for now .... please sit down and relax/read …


Next building on the 2.floor is a basic restaurant with a simple meat and rice plate (2x plus 2liter Coke for about 160.000.-) … nothing special, but feeds you !
Then …. Waiting and reading .......................................

02.30 pm

Mr. Sanchuri (or so) from the agency arrives, makes more copies and works on your paperwork ...
Then ... he sends me back to the blueish building to get a security pass to drive the car into the loading zone, bring a copy of your passport and you get your passport back, when you bring the security pass back

Attention .... once your vehicle is in the loading zone, you are not allowed to go there again … so get you stuff out and with you ..

03.30 pm

I drove the car through the security gate and walked back, f…. hot and humid !!!

05.00 pm

... move to the building with the restaurant and waiting lounge ...

05.30 pm

The agent takes our passports and issues our passenger tickets

08.00 pm

We get our passport and tickets ...

08.30 pm

Separate male/female security controll and immigration, stamping the passport

09.00 pm

Then ... loading ... we drive into the ferry and the loading master sends us out again …. First the ferry has to be fueled …. Hahahaha …. The ferry sits there the whole day .... no comment

10.30 pm

Yippee, we drive into the ferry ... went upstairs and got dinner (chicken with rice and coke)

11.45 pm DEPARTURE

19.09.2013 Sharjah

10.00 am ARRIVAL

10.15 am

Agent takes the CdP and disappeares …

We follow a police car to the immigration office, there we got a 30 day visa at no costs … but have to wait until everybody is done …

12.00 noon

Back to the agent, the bill is AED 2686.- incl. transport, fees for him/paper/stamp … at the immigration building is a ATM and he wants the local currency … he is not very helpful, but likes to take the money …. a..hole , I just did’t like him!

Then you go with your papers to the custom building, the agent tells you where ...
1. Left side -> 1 stamp
2. Outside -> VIN number controlled ... AED 20.- for the Inspection report
3. Back to the same officer, Carnet get stamped ... AED 80.- fee
4. With the stamped Carnet to Counter 8, right side ... more papers and AED 135.- fee, then you get the last papers for YARD 6
5. at YARD 6 (the office was shown us before) you get the Main Gate Pass, signature on 4 different papers, 1x for us / 3x for the Main Gate

01.45 pm Main Gate 6. show the pass, they check the VIN number again and then
OUT !!!!

They didn’t check the car or luggage, everything was working OK and easy, for every payment you get a bill and there is absolutely no need for a fixer/helper.
No insurance checked or road tax or anything else ….
Everybody speaks good English and have good manors !

Welcome to the Emirates
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Old 5 Oct 2013
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new destination


change of plans ... again

Due to all the trouble in Sudan, Kenya, etc. we changed plans and ship our car from Dubai to Port Durban and hopefully in the future it calms down a bit in Northern Africa

The quote is even better than Port Sudan

Looking forward for to see SA, Namibia and the rest

Cheers TuA
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