I take an 8 1/2 EEE fitting here.
The 81/2 size in Altberg is good for me - no EEE .. but
the 'desert' type boot fitted straight up .. no resizing reqired. (Borego - desert clasic)
The leather full length motorcycle boot would not fit - requires 'stretching' to fit .. I could not get my ankle to go around the corner... (clubman or conential tourer models)
So if your going with the non leather upper I'd say you'd be ok for fit - just order over the web or fax and wait for the required manufacting time (3 ? months) - they will post it out to you . For the ones at the top (Hogg all weather) - they look to have laces most of the way down so should be ok for fitting.
If not laced down pass the ankles then you'd need a fitting season or two.
That was my experience when I visited. Best to ask them - they are resonably responsive.
------------------- I've the bmw savan/ rebranded from ? .. they are good .. waterproof (as tested by submersion in a creek over teh top of the boot .. took 3 or 4 days to dry out the insides) .. gortex.
Regards Frank Warner
motorcycles BMW R80 G/S 1981, BMW K11LT 1993, BMW K75 G/S
Last edited by Frank Warner; 28 Apr 2008 at 05:37.