Australia on a 250cc???!!!
Hey guys,
I'm planning a trip round Australia, probably next year March or something when it's a bit colder. I want to go everywhere and motorbike seems by far the best choice to do it.. But I'm only a pretty short and light (5'4)
I'll be buying a bike before I set off in Oz, but looking at the million and one different bikes I haven't choosen a specific model yet. But I'm def looking at a smaller lighter bike (around 250cc) as I think anything too much bigger if going to be a bit to big and heavy for me to handle.
So the question is can I do Australia on a 250cc??? I don't want to stick to just the main roads, although I'm not planning to go off roading all around the dessert, I know there's some sandy roads up to Cape York etc. Plus I'll have to have gear loaded on with me. I won't have heaps of gear, but still need basics.
I'll be travelling with someone and he'll be on a 650cc bike, so can take the heavier stuff. But I don't want to shoot myself in the foot and be stuck with him so still need to know I can carry it myself if I need to. Plus ride it and handle it everywhere by myself if I need to.
So pro's con's? Am I best to go for a bigger bike? I'll put this in the which bike forum too, but though maybe it was an idea to ask in this part too?
Cheers guys!