Australian Registration Document
Can any one tell me do you have an Australian motorcycle registration document, like we do in the UK or something similar. I bought my bike back in April, i have the pink vehicle transfer/ vehicle dealers form and another pink one with Form 4 Vehicle particulars stamped on it. I went to the licencing services office in Perth and paid the transfer of vehical fee, yet i still have no real proof that i own the bike. I want to take the bike out of Australia into Timor and on up to Indonesia and overland back to the UK.
If you do not have Australian registration paper is there any way of making one to show at borders and customs, as the few bits of hand writen paper that i have i think will only lead to a lot of hassel when trying move from country to country.Do the Australian RAC offer Carnets to none Australian even if there bike is from Australia? Any help please Skip
Do the best you can with what you have,
A stranger in a strange land now heading North South East West to.....