3 year carnet (2 year work stop in Oz) ??
I'm planning a UK to Australia trip next year but it seems I've hit a brick wall. I have not had any reposnse from th RAC which i am a member of. Regardless of this I can't see a way of doing my trip. Surely people stay on the road for more than 3 years.
After contacting the Australian customs they say I will have to pay duty on the bike when my carnet runs out. I do not want to import the bike as I want to ride it back after my stay.
I want to ride from the uk into Autralia then work for a while in Australia for up to 2 years. Meanwhile I plan to take breaks within this period to tour the continent & NZ.
My problem is the carnet only lasts for a year, it can be extended but i'm not sure if i can keep it going for about 3 years without huge fees. Anybody done this ? and if so is it just a matter of sending the old one back paying a fee and getting another sent to you? are fees huge (£3000 bike)
Would it be better for me to ship the bike back to the UK to family? If so I'm stuck for riding back and in the same situation when i get to the UK with an Aussie bike!