Need some Aussie Help !
well , to make a long story short , I am driving a motorcycle across Africa
I left the motorcycle in Brazzaville (Congo). Then I flow back to Spain (I am Spaniard , btw ) ..and then my employer sent me now to Sydney for a couple years.
I am in Sydney now.
cool... fantastic
this December , I d like to fly to Congo-Brazza to resume my trip . Indeed I got already the bloddy expensive air ticket bought
and the visa ?
how am I supposed to get a Visa for Congo in Australia ??? There are no Congo consulates , no Congo embassy , and -worst of all - it seems there are no "visa procurement offices " over here ...
so how does people from Australia fly to Congo ?
using a online visa agency (i.e. French/American ) doesnt work , as they are afraid to sent papers/passports to Australia ...
any ideas ?
Thanks in advance ... and if anyone is around Sydney .. count on a few  s for the help