Hello there!
Hey everyone. I've been on advrider for a while now but for some reason I've never ventured over here so I thought nows as good a time as any. As a bit of an intro I'm obviously called Dave and originally I'm from darkest deepest Yorkshire in the heart of England. I've been in this great Red Land for near enough four years now and have seen large areas of her through work and play. I've spent time in most of my time in NSW and have also lived in Vic, WA, the Tanami desert (for work) and now I'm on the Gold Coast.
I was sat in the office today I decided I needed something to aim for rather than just wondering why I've not met my perfect Aussie shela yet. I've been pretty aimless for a year or so now, just chasing myself round the country trying to keep in gainful employment so that I dont have to return to that gray, dank country I call home. I decided I need something to aim for, a goal to set to get my teeth into. While re-reading a friends blog she sort of inspired me to get my arse into gear and plan for something a bit bigger than a weeks ride every year. So here I am on day one of the start of the plan to ride around the world.
I've got the bike, a Beemer 650 X-Challenge. It's pretty stock right now, the only mods are a Hyper-Pro rear shock and an x-tank. She'll certainly be needing a few mods before I'm ready to go. Other than that the main thing I need to get sorted I think are my finances....debts to pay from my roles at different companies getting outsourced and leaving me with credit cards to survive on untilI could find the next paying pastime to fill the void
I'm already looking forward to the coming chats and un-doubted inspiration and solid friendships I'll find on the way.
See you around,