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Old 30 Jan 2008
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looking for work in oz. before trip!?

hi there, gona throw out a thread in a few forums, all you aussie's seem to be pretty accomadating so....

i'm going to do some riding starting in may/june and would like to find work and maybe accomadation for a month to 2 months, but probabaly just for one month. i basically just want to get over to oz. and kill sometime/ make some gas money and meet people before i go for a ride, eventualy hoping to end up on the east coast.

i'm 24 years of age and am a fully certified Meat cutter/ butcher. i am computer literate and have sales experience in the retail grocery industry. i am well spoken and have a neat and attractive appearance. i have very good meat cutting skills and knowledge of the grocery industry but believe i would be able to transfer those skills to anything from construction labor to working in a coffee shop.

Resume's are available on request, thankyou.

If u know of someone that may need some help for a short time or if u could use an extra hand around your own business from everyhting from front end to scrubbing the floors let me know. I will be in the sidney / melbourne area in april and will also have a wokring visa for Australia.

Ray Bucknell
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Old 30 Jan 2008
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Hey Mate,

You can more than likely get some cash in hand work but make it easy on yourself....

Have a look at this; Visa Options - Working Holiday Makers - Visas & Immigration

It's a Working holiday visa scheme that will allow you to work in Aussie legally. It's only for one year, one time offer. But it's dead easy to get. I helped an Irish mate get his( he wasn't too sharp with computers) But the form is online, you fill it out and you'll know in less than 2 weeks if it's a go! The visa from memory is ether free or dam close to it.

There is a legion of Irish, English, Scots, Germans etc doing this in Aussie right now ( and a few Cunucks ) Any of the Major cities will have shed loads of job agencies specializing in getting the likes of yourself temporary work. There is so much good paying work there right now you'll have no probs. You'll have some gas money in no time and you'll have a hell of a party! It will mean also if you have any un-for-told problems along the way you can earn some more money to get your stead fixed or whatever.

I've had 4 working holiday visas around the world and it's a blast. The Aussie one is so unbelievably easy to get that, even if you don't need/use it it's a great thing to have there. Just make sure to apply for your TFN (tax file number ) online as well so as soon as you arrive you can work.

If you have any questions or need some help traversing the paperwork etc, Give me a yell I'd be more than happy to help.

Best of Luck!
'99 R1100GS - In a suitable shade of black

It's not that life is so short, It's just that we're dead for so long....
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Old 30 Jan 2008
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Thumbs up HelpX

Also check out this website::

Help Exchange: free volunteer work abroad Australia New Zealand Canada Europe

We are registered as hosts here in NZ (Rangiora, Canterbury) and often have travelers stay under that scheme. It's a very good way to meet locals and get local information as well as cheap!


Nigel in NZ
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Old 30 Jan 2008
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Gatting caught without a working tourist visa is just not worth the hassle. You get escorted to an International airport at your expense (or the Canadian Govts) and get put on a flight, Your passport gets the "not to re-enter for 5 years" stamp.

You dont get any appeal rights, if you own a bike, its lost as you wont even get time to sell it. We have an American friend who got caught and she was not even allowed to go back to her flat and pickup her belongings!!

With the visa you have access to some well paying jobs - the mines are desperate for all types of labour at present, a friend is earning about $2500 a week at present doing a labouring job out on the Moomba gasfield. Its the middle of nowhere, nothing to do, live in Dongas, fly in fly out, but the money is great. Work two months ride for 10 months.

The working tourist visa can be extended for an additional year if you work in an approved industry - I think its mainly agriculture. Work for 3 months and get another 12 - not a bad deal.
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Old 30 Jan 2008
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hey guys, thanks.

i have already applied for my working holiday visa. and yah it was easy to get for sure, but 200$!! haha, ahh well, the cost of having fun i suppose. i didnt want to chance it, thanks for the info on the TFN steve, that will make life easier. i am going to live on the east coast i think, sometime after i do a big ride.

if jobs are that plentiful that is great, any more help would be great, thanks guys.
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Old 30 Jan 2008
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Ray, Sounds like you're close to sorted!
A friend par-took in Nigel's scheme closer to your neck of the woods and loved it. As Nigel said it's a volunteer programme so it's proberly worth concidering a bit later on in the trip - After you've got your gas/booze money! Worth looking into ahead of time eyeing up some properties/farms/areas you'd like to go to and planning a rough route plan around it. Traveling through a country is great but you don't really get to know it (IMHO) until you get amoungst it. And that includes working. So even if you're not getting paid you have a lot fun get a free roof/feed, meet some characters. I'm sure those local country boys will show you a track or two you'll never find on a map!

Here's another tip for re; tax
End of the financial year in Australia is 30th June. So if you go and work for May/June, And work yer backside off! You can claim ALL your tax back. ( the tax threshold is $6100 AUD (?) I worked 12 hours a day, 5-6 days a week for May-August Western Australia in the foresty. I put a tax claim in after 30th June and i got all my tax back - $1600!! I flew to the Netherlands end of August and claimed back $1900AUD!!!! a nice addition to your savings!! For very little effort!
I went through a tax agency, cost me about $125 each time but you get back alot more! You can do it by yourself but it's not worth the headache and you won't get as quick. i think all i had to do was fill out one quick page and fax it back ( actually that was the hardest part- finding a bloody fax machine!)
<A onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="http://www.expresstaxback.com.au/how.html" target=_blank>www.expresstaxback.com.au/how.html

You'll have a ball!

let us know how you get on! Trip report! Trip report!

By the way, are you shipping the bike over or buying locally? If your shipping be sure to look at and fill out the shipping log here on the HUBB
'99 R1100GS - In a suitable shade of black

It's not that life is so short, It's just that we're dead for so long....
"The world is a book, those who do not travel read only one page." ~ Saint Augustin
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Old 31 Jan 2008
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i've checked out the help-xchange and my tax back info, thats great. the help x-change looks really cool. most people only want a few hours a day of work and u can stay, look like nice people to.

could be a good way to get across the country.

i will definately do a travellers log. i think i am going to ride with a fellow rider from this web-site once i get over there.

lots of good riding and fueled parties along the way. i hope its the start of an RTW trip. i've already knocked of Canada, USA and mexico.

thnks for the help guys, and if anyone wants a traveller to crash on their couch in x-chnage for some help, or someone to bring cold 's and tell a tale i asure u i am good at that, haha. i can aslo cook a mean steak. the offers also open to any one travelling in canada until april..i also have alot of friends here that ride that wouldnt hesitate to put a traveller up for a night so contact me, even if its after i leave.

New Zealand looks great to steve, i hope i get over there as well, i hear the riding is great, maybe i will get some climbing in while i am there to, i hear the mountains and some of the big walls are superb.

i'll be posting my travels on here once i get on the move as well...
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Old 15 Feb 2008
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Thumbs up Plenty of work up north and west

Hi Ray

With the minerals and resources boom in the north and west there are PLENTY of jobs around , but its bloody hot sometimes.
I am considering selling my ktm 98 640 adventure r (uk and Aust compliance) and updating it to a 990s for a trip through Canada!, might be worth a look , could be out of your price range, as it has all the fruit hanging off it, give me a yell if your keen, i would rather sell it to a traveller than a commuter!!

I am considering working in canada while there , do you have any tips for work over there,
cheers MotoGaz
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Old 26 Feb 2008
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hey motogaz, sorry i took so long to get back to you.

thats great about the work, thanks alot. your bike might not be out of my price range...just let me know what u are asking. maybe u shoud consider a trade?? haha. i ride a z1000. no bells and whistlkes though, just soft bags...

i wouldnt mind working in a beach town.. once i get down to business. guess i'll just have to see how it goes, i am a butcher by trade and there always seems to be lots of work around for meat cutters.. what kind of work would u be looking for while u are here?? there is a ton going on.

we have the same type of boom in our north with the oil rigs and mining and such. i hope u get over to canada, the riding is great. i live in B.C. which is the warmest and most rider friendly area of Canada (excuse me if i sound one sided, haha).

let me know what your plan is and when u expect to be here
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Old 26 Feb 2008
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Hi, try expohire in Melbourne, they hire many travellers to set up exhibitions. - 03 9676 7778
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Old 14 Mar 2008
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Hey I don't know if you guys are into this but there is a thing travellers can do to travel cheaply

Basiclly you pay to join or buy the book ($55/$65AUD) then you get a list of hosts in the country you joined then you work for about half a day (could be more could be less) then get accommodation and food for the trouble I did this whist travelling round oz in a campervan with my girlfriend.

nice and cheap way to travel and you get to hang with locals and get unexpected suprises like one host I stayed with was a adventure sports instuctor and his partener needed hours up to get the cert and so we were abseiling, canyoning and hike our way through the blue mtns
but this will only appeal to a certian mind set i think

WWOOF = Willing Workers On Organic Farms (not necessarially organic or farms)

here is their website for Oz.

WWOOFing around the world

And you might get to go motorbike mustering on huge Ha farms like on the pic not sure if it's BYO bike

good luck

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