NZ 04 Feb 17 " meet up "
Hi I will be hiring a bike in NZ South Island from 4th Feb 17 , I will be camping for most of the time and would love to meet up with other Travelers and maybe do some riding together or maybe a place to stay ! for a night hear or their and some advice from locals on great riding places . I am from Australia and would be more than happy to Put up a traveler a at place if you are ever passing through Wodonga Victoria . Also my Sister is Marrying a Kewi and moving to the Chadham Islands in December 16. Will also be going their to visit her as well , any advice or hocking up to show me the sights would be fantastic ! I will be on the bike for 8 days , then of to the Chadhams , I'm arriving in Christchurch and leaving from there as well my email is