"Post Restant"
Hi everyone.
I'm in Indonesia and I'm finally getting sick of carrying all my "oh-I'll-need-that-in-AUS" stuff around. Mainly cause my bike is seriously suffering up some of the mountains here (125cc) and therefore I decided I'd like to send a pack to Darwin with all the suff I won't need here.
Now I though I'll simply mail it to th post restant and everythings fine, but those guys only keep mail for up to 2 weeks, it'll take me another 4 months to reach Darwin.
So I was wondering if I could mail my stuff to anybody here who will simply throw it into his/her garage and I'll come by to invite youfor a  or two and pick it up someday in around 4-5 months.
I also wrote a version of this to the Darwin community.
I'd really appreciate the help.
Thanks a lot