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Old 23 Feb 2008
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Shipping and touring Australia

The Big Plan Number One

Calls for getting a new ural gear up in 09 and shipping the thing to Australia for a four month tour of the island. By shipping my own it have two wheel drive for the out back as the route covers the Plenty of Highway for the north east coast to Alice on the back roads.

So does any one have any ideals on the route or things to see there?

What the best way to deck out the side car for long range travel?

Plan to carry
4X10L gas range 780 to 1560 miles
2 canvas bags of water and one 5 gal jug water 10 gal (4 days)
rope puller and 50 ft of 3/8 rope fording and getting out of sand
5 tires ( three off road ones)
5 inner tubes
ax and shove
three man tent
kit for two men
2 folding chairs
camp stove

engine three oil filters and 4 air filters ( due to sand and dust )
2 spark plugs and oil for one change. ( water in oil from fording)

Heard there it may be hard to get tires along the way there does any one know if ural tires can be got in the larger cities?

How deep can the bike go though water and can it be pulled in deep water by blocking the exhaust pipes and the air in take with cork or duct tape? There seem to be river closing in the out back dust or water?

As anyone drove the Penty Higway to Alice ?

Trip route is follow the coast and then head from North East coast to Alice on the secondary highways. To see the Out Back.

Still waiting to hear back from shipper and the airlines on shipping from Vancouver BC to the east coast of Australia to see what cheap and easy to use. Under importing for personal use as tourist the unit can clear customs and use it plates from it;s home country

wonder if the co-driver my son like the ideal of sitting in the sidecar facing on coming truck trains as the bike has the car on the right.

Still waiting to see what the new urals cost down there to compare with bring mine down there and back again.

The plan calls for buy the ural next year and leaving by march or may for the trip. Hopeful the rains be gone.

So if any one as any ideals for the trip let me know them.

Bye for now Seekeronsaltspring.
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Old 23 Feb 2008
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Just a minor hiccup in your plans - you need to make 100% sure that you will be allowed to use a "left hand drive" vehicle - usually only vehicles over 30 years old are allowed to have left hand drive, all others must be right hand drive. You maybe able to get a special permit but it will depend on which State you bring the bike into the country. You need to read up on the process of getting the bike insured, registered, etc. The Carnet will get you through Customs easily, the big hurdle is the quarantine, compulsory insurance, etc. Theres plenty of threads on here about how to do it.

Second point - this is a winter trip? If you are considering this as a summer trip - DONT. Past few days Central Queensland has had high 30C to low 40C daytime temps. Its also been very very wet for the past few weeks, so most dirt roads have limited or no access. Wet weather north east of Boulia can close roads for weeks as the water floods down to Lake Eyre in South Australia.

If you do the trip in the winter months, there will be plenty of others doing similar, so the risks will be reduced.

Have a look at Exploreoz which has plenty of good info on the area you want to visit.
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Old 23 Feb 2008
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Be in your winter march or may have to wait until the new 2009 are out and shipped to Canada Still waiting to see the ones for this year. Hand build you know takes time to melt down old battle tanks I quess.

When I email customs they did not answer the part about right hand side cars to well just said how to bring them in for touring and what needed in ways of papers and permits.Seem like if it';s from here it's ok to use. Well be looking into it farther soon before shipping it.

Hope the Ural dealer can list the prices there soon. Still waiting to check out if I farther ahead buying and sell afterwards. But the two wheel drive is what I spent my money on shipping one there to use. Heard you can load up to 700 lbs on them as well as two people too.
Hope you have slow lanes there there for going up hills.

bye for now seeker.
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Old 23 Feb 2008
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paper work and questions

Hi David.

Thank you for your enquiry.

In regard to importing a motor cycle, prior to shipping the vehicle you must apply to the Australian Department of Transport and Regional Services for a Vehicle Import Permit.

It is imperative you have this permit prior to the vehicle arriving in Australia as any vehicles arriving without a permit are re-exported at the owners expense to the country of origin. Especially because of the right handed side car:

All privately imported vehicles are subject to the same rates of Customs duty and Goods and Services Tax (GST) and, where applicable, Luxury Car Tax (LCT) as commercially imported vehicles.
The Customs duty is based on the Customs value of the motor cycle.

The current rate of duty for Motor Cycles is free Customs Duty. Additionally, GST of 10% is applicable to all imports. GST is calculated as 10% of the sum of the value of the motor vehicle plus the duty payable plus the overseas freight and insurance. Their is a Customs processing fee between $60-70.

Prior to making a decision to import your motor cycle you should take into account the costs involved in the process such as: freight, Customs duties and entry processing charges, steam cleaning for quarantine purposes, other wharf and transport charges and any costs involved in having the vehicle meet state or territory registration requirements (whether your vehicle will indeed meet these requirements should be checked prior to importation).

You may apply for a temporary import or a Carnet if you intend to stay 3 months:

Goods may be brought into Australia on a temporary basis without the payment of Customs duty or taxes for a period of up to 12 months. These goods are referred to as Temporary Imports. The legislative provisions for Temporary Imports are contained in Sections 162 and 162A of the Customs Act 1901 and Regulations 124, 125, 125A and 125B of the Customs Regulations 1926.

Another way goods can be brought into Australia on a temporary basis is under the cover of a 'carnet' which is an international "passport for goods". All temporary imports must be re-exported within the approved period. The nature of the goods, what they will be used for while they are in Australia and who is importing them will determine which provisions the goods may be eligible for.

Please find the Customs Guide to Importing a Motor Vehicle attached for your information. For further information regarding permits, vehicle safety standards and registration requirements contact:

Department of Transport and Regional Services (DOTARS) Vehicle Import Section GPO Box 594 Canberra ACT 2601 Ph. 02 6274 7111
Freecall: 1800 815 272
Fax: 02 6274 6013
Email: vimports@dotars.gov.au
Internet: www.dotars.gov.au
Gregory J CartisanoSenior Customs OfficerCustoms Information and Support CentrePh: 1300 363 263Fax: 02 8339 6714Website: www.customs.gov.au

Dear Mr Seeker

In accordance with the provisions of certain international conventions on road traffic, Australia recognises the temporary import of vehicles for a period of less than 12 months by visiting foreign nationals of signatory countries who hold a visitor’s visa. In this category vehicles may be allowed entry in one of two ways:

(a) By presenting a valid Carnet de Passage en Duane at port of entry to Australia, in which case no Vehicle Import Approval is required (Note: a vehicle must have sufficient registration cover from the person’s home country to cover the period of the temporary import).

(b) By submitting an application to import a vehicle accompanied by a copy of a current overseas registration document valid for the period of the visit and passport pages showing nationality, personal details and valid Australian visitor's visa.

If you are travelling on a “Temporary Resident” Visa then you are not eligible to import your vehicle under (b) above.

Neither visitors nor temporary residents are eligible under the Personally Imported Vehicle Scheme described in the attached brochure.

Documents required to be submitted with the application form for category above:
$50.00 application fee (for category (b) above), purchase document, current overseas registration document valid for the period of the visit, passport pages showing nationality, and Australian visitor’s visa


Vehicle Imports
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government
Ph: 1800 815 272
Fax: 02 6274 6013

From: DAvid seeker [mailto:seekeronsaltspring@hotmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, 2 February 2008 6:49 AM
To: Vehicle Imports
Subject: righthand sidecar?

Goods may be brought into Australia on a temporary basis without the payment of Customs duty or taxes for a period of up to 12 months. These goods are referred to as Temporary Imports. The legislative provisions for Temporary Imports are contained in Sections 162 and 162A of the Customs Act 1901 and Regulations 124, 125, 125A and 125B of the Customs Regulations 1926.
New question Can you out line the Temporary Imports for bringing a motor bike with side car from Canada for touring? The unit as the side car on the right hand side. Ural gear up model.


This message has been issued by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government. The information transmitted is for the use of the intended recipient only and may contain confidential and/or legally privileged material. Any review, re-transmission, disclosure, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited and may result in severe penalties. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the Department on (02) 6274-7111 and delete all copies of this transmission together with any attachments.

Want to race through your inbox even faster? Try the full version of Windows Live Hotmail. (It's free, too.)

Dear Mr. Pierce:

It is up to you to decide which way you want to go.

If you decide to use the Carnet to enter Australia for a 3 to 4 month period it will cost you $450.00 if you are not a CAA member or $400.00 is you are a CAA member, that is the fee we charge to issue the document, on top of that we require a $300.00 cash deposit. When we send the carnet to you we will be sending it by Federal Express and we will deduct the FedEx charges from that cash deposit. You get the balance of your cash deposit back upon your return with the carnet. On top of that we will ask you for a guarantee to cover the bike and side car and the minimum we will take is $5,000.00. We ask for this guarantee in the form of a letter of credit.. .

If you decide to import the vehicle then the bike will have to meet Australian standards and I don't know if the side car would meet those standards

You will have to ask ICBC if their insurance will cover you for over there. I doubt it and I do know that there are no companies in Canada that will insure you for other countries. I have attached the name of some companies in the US that will insure you.


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Shipping and touring Australia-bike01.jpg  

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Old 24 Feb 2008
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OK, the Customs and Quarantine issues are all run by the Federal Government in Canberra and locally in the ports where your outfit would arrive. Three Departments are involved - Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government (name changed from DoTARS recently), Customs Service and Quarantine Service. They control the outfit's entry into Australia, they are only concerned that you and the outfit meet the legal requirements for temporary import - the various State governments then control how and when the outfit can be used on the roads - they control things like registration, roadworthyness and compulsory insurance. The States almost have the same laws - but not quite which makes giving an Australia wide answer very difficult. It gets complicated when the Federal Government has agreed to International Agreements but the States dont have the legislation in place to make it happen for you.

Lets assume you take the shortest sea route from Vancouver to Brisbane in the State of Queensland. So you need to lookup "Queensland Transport" and "overseas registered vehicles" to get an idea of the specific requirements.

You will be required to buy local compulsory third party injury insurance, which will cover your passenger and anyone else that you injure, but in Queensland will not cover you, if you are the at fault rider. It is valid Australia wide.

I think you will also need to buy and "overseas registered vehicle permit", but I'm not 100% sure about that at present - there have been a few changes in recent times.

You will also need to enquire about the outfit being "left hand drive", Queensland does issue special permits for LHD cars and trucks, but I'm not sure if all the other States accept that permit. More checking I'm afraid - weblookup RTA NSW, VicRoads, Northern Territory and South Australia I'm afraid I dont know the name of the departments.

Your Canadian insurance is very unlikely to cover you. You may struggle to buy insurance cover for your outfit - damage cover that is. Some hunting through through previous posts should give you some leads.

In my youth I drove trucks from the UK to Saudi Arabia and it was easier driving through 20 different countries than it is to get one vehicle into Australia!!!
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Old 24 Feb 2008
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email sent

eamil sent now lets see what I hear back on left hand side bike with sidecar on the right under a temporary import of vehicle.

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Old 26 Feb 2008
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cost of shippiong usa to oz and back

Fuel Surcharge804.21kg$0.80$643.37
Terminal Transfer
Forwarding Fee
Security Surcharge
804.21 kg$0.25$201.05
Customs Clearance at Destination
Shipper's Declaration (Over $2,500.00 )
Air Waybill Preparation
$50.00 Less : Online Allowance 804.21 kg $0.15 $120.63Total $4,799.90
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Old 27 Feb 2008
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ICBC Autoplan coverage is only valid throughout Canada and the United States of America. Therefore, it will not be valid in Australia.
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Old 2 Mar 2008
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gives details about sidecars - pg 18. As I thought it has to be on the left.
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Old 17 Mar 2008
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plenty hwy

plenty hwy a long stretch of pretty boring desert imho. done it twice and in very hot weather each time. a lonely road in summer so don't go out there unprepared. then again sounds like you can carry a swimming pool on that bus!
not too much to see on plenty hwy, nor much in the way of places to camp at. might be more interesting,easier and safer to do the asphalt and take side trips up to the gulf of carpentaria.
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Old 17 Mar 2008
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Originally Posted by RogerM View Post
gives details about sidecars - pg 18. As I thought it has to be on the left.
Umm people can bring in left hand drive cars/truck on tempory import .. and drive around on those .. so why not sidecars! Think the doc you referenced is for permant rego .. not temporry .. no ADRs etc...
Regards Frank Warner
motorcycles BMW R80 G/S 1981, BMW K11LT 1993, BMW K75 G/S
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Old 5 Apr 2008
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shipping cost

got a shipping amount now shipping by sea 766 by air 1550 so think i go by see and and safe cash over time still working on seeing once there i can use it on the roads there.
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Old 10 Apr 2008
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Sand and Flies

Having just returned from Cairns,i recommend going across ths Daintree river,and do cape tribulation and cooktown.
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Old 10 Apr 2008
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Quick question where did you get the shipping quote from? My wife and I are thinking the same trip and I am looking for a quote on shipping two KLR650's. Thanks.

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Old 10 Apr 2008
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Company Email For Shipper

[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Allan/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpg[/IMG]A&A INTERNATIONAL FORWARDING LTD

Air and Ocean rates to Sydney,AU‏ From: Grant MacKay (GMacKay@aacb.com) Sent: April 4, 2008 6:22:38 PM

Cc: Marlo Powers (mpowers@aacb.com)

mY trip will be for next year about may or june have to wait for the new ural side cars to come out and then the paper work and shipping. Can buy one there now but now the two wheel drive unit. so as some of the roads are 4 wheeltracks i like the ideal of two wheel drive unit.
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