A Dane in Dire Distress!
I'm currently in New Zealand for three months, fulfilling a long-time dream of riding around this beautiful country on a motorcycle, followed by another three in Australia. I actually took my motorcycle license not many months ago for this specific purpose, and before I came here, the lessons were the only riding experience I had. Some people thought I was crazy, but I believe that dreams are there to be pursued.
Unfortunately, the second-hand Honda XR250 I'd bought gave out a couple of days ago, and I don't have any space in my budget for buying a new one. I'd figured that, even though minor repairs might be necessary, a generally indestructable XR250 which had only gone 21000kms on purchase (and looked like it was in good condition) would last me the trip. I was to be proven wrong! All I got out of it was just over two weeks of travel and 1500kms
I bought it as-is, knowing full well that if anything went wrong the problem was mine. Here's how it all happened
This saturday, I was cruising along on my way to Te Anau as the engine started making funny noices. Shortly after, a very loud metallic rattling sound came from the engine, and I immediately pulled the clutch which stopped the noise. As I pulled over, the engine was still going (I'd put it in neutral), but as I stepped off to see if I could find any outside damage, the engine died for no apparant reason and I couldn't start it again. Every time I tried, the clanking sound came back. Fortunately, a local girl I'd met was travelling the same way as me not long after I'd taken off and she brought me to her aunt's farm. She arranged for her aunt's husband (John) to fetch it in a pickup truck.
The next day we got it going after a good amount of thinking and pilfering. Believing it was alright, I was very relieved to set off again. After around 10k, the same thing happened, and this time the gears got stuck too. John came and picked me up again, and in the evening we took it to the mechanic. I was praying it was fixable, but I knew it'd probably be expensive. Yesterday he called me and told me the engine was dead. I went to see it, and it probably couldn't have been much closer to utter destruction. The piston was cracked, the cylinder walls were ruptured, the valves were bent, and something (don't remember what) was destroyed in the gearbox as well. Total write-off. The mechanic offered me 400$ for it to use for spare parts and, having no other options, I took it.
The mechanic said there was nothing I could have done, it was just normal wear and tear and it was probably already on it's way out when I bought it (I don't blame the seller though, I don't think anyone would've seen it unless they opened up the engine.) It is just too bad since the bike (and motor) is generally considered to be so reliable (or so I'm told.)
What a bummer! I've had so much fun riding it, and I had hoped it'd take me all the way to Auckland. In the end I only got 1500kms out of it. I can't afford a new bike, much as I'd love to, so my only options from here-on out is hitchhiking.
What I'm doing now is writing everyone and anyone I know in NZ who has anything to do with motorcycles and see if there's some unforeseen opportunity that opens up. Who knows, maybe I'll find a kind soul who'd let me borrow a bike for the rest (or part) of the trip. I have no real money to offer, but I'd be happy to offer something else (such as ads on my blog, which is seeing a steady increase in traffic, and currently have around 50 individual kiwi readers.) I am open for suggestions.
If I hear of a really good offer I might consider it, but this write-off is quite a cut in my budget so I really don't know how much I'd give. Having set my nose up for a bike trip around NZ, it's a real let-down having to complete it hitching. And I haven't even considered what this'll mean for my Australia plans.
Anyways, just thought I'd throw a line. As I said, if (against all hope) you know anyone who could help in whatever small way to get me back on a bike, please let me know. Other than that, I'd be happy if you just spread the word about this dane in need.
If it takes time for me to answer this post, it's because internet is expensive and/or hard