Originally Posted by Hemuli
Oh one last question:
Have you seen anywhere in the hubb a process how to temporarily import motorcycle to Oz (meaning process in Darwin side: customs, inspection, insurance etc)?
Hoping to land to Oz in two months.
Do you have the Carnet? I guess you will need it. Here the Carnet Process how it
was for us 1 year ago:
(1st get a Sim card for your mobile. You will need to make a lot of calls. We took Telstra prepaid, pain in the a.... but the best coverage all over AU. We made a mistake and did not take the internet thing as well in the beginning, we took it too late, best there is IMO the 365 days option with 8GB)
In Darwin go 1st to the Customs House, they will stamp your Carnet (show them your BOL, for us was enough).
Contact Toll (89822018) and ask them when it will be free for Customs inspection. Ask them for the phone number of AQIS to make the appointment.
Contact AQIS and make an appointment with them for inspection. (They checked our bike completly, Airfilter, engine, all in the panniers incl Boots (even they looked in the velcro (Kreppverschluss) and inside the helmets.
Call Toll and give them the AQIS number you got and tell them when the inspection is taking place.
Make sure your appointment is b4 noon. Ours was at 2.30PM and Toll didn´t told us that they will close at 3PM, when the payment is not confirmed they will not let you leave and you have to come back a day later... Credit Card payment only, no cash! (The inspector we had was great and called his supervisor to let us out without the confirmation of payment! Great guys (as long as your bike is TOTALLY CLEAN!)
If your bike is not clean everywhere it can be really expensive and even more time consuming. You pay every started timeslot, as far as I remember we paid for that 170AUD (30 minutes, for us it took about 15 minutes but you pay every started 30mSlot) so 35 minutes will cost you already 340AUD I think)
BIKE MUST BE LIKE OUT OF THE FACTORY! NO dust, NO seeds, NOTHING! We cleaned it in Dili for a week, 10h a day! Took all apart, cleaned it and put it back together again.
We took a online insurance from
Motorcycle Insurance Cover Quotes Australia - Save 25% | InsureMyRide, actually you have to register your bike somewhere... this we do next time I guess

There is a thread here somewhere with all details for insurance and registration. As we had an Africa Twin and the bike was never sold in AU it was very hard to find any insurance which will insure it. Best as well is to leave the NT and do the insurance in an different state because NT is the most expensive. You can even make an insurance only for your days in WA and make a new one when you cros the border to another state.
You can contact (PM) me if you like to have a place to stay in Darwin, this helps to get over the first shock when you arrive.

After SEA it is quite diffrent to say the least. We have some good friends there.
Good luck!