BMW F650GS 2003, Belgium
For sale/ adoption:
This bike has been on adventures with me, ao. to England and Ireland, France & Italy and a 3month roadtrip Belgium- Iran - Belgium.
It has 103000 km. Was (almost) always serviced at the BMW-dealer.
What you see is what you get... (no panniers! except the Wunderlich tankbag stays with the bike)
Never had any problems except for the battery (has a new one since 2 months)
And for the second time ever he now has a leaking fork seal. But this is easy to fix.
The bike has been USED, and this is visible.
I have lost my interest in riding (I switched to bicycle) but this bike is like a friend to me, so I hope to find someone who wants to take care of this experienced guy! His name is 'Dikke'.
Low price range! (I want to use this to buy soft panniers for my bicycletrips.)
If you want more info, recent photos... please contact me! (