The noise could be as simple as valves, or not. Air head valve clearances get tighter over time, so with your distance travelled so far, It's about time to check them and adjust as necessary. Another cause of this type of noise is the end play on the valve rocker shaft. Whilst you're checking the valve clearances, try and move the rocker arm up and down on the shaft, there should be very little clearance at either end, just enough to squeeze a little bit of oil out of each end. If there is a lot of movement or no movement, the rocker shaft turret needs adjusting at one end only. If you have access to you tube, look at the videos by Chris Harris, he explains how to do it. Take care.
Other noises like this could also be the camshaft chain tensioner, or even the cam chain and sprocket needing changing.
If adjusting the valves and valve rocker don't rectify the situation, you need to check out the cam chain assembly.
-''It is better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction''. ( Herman Siu)
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