* Diagram Selection
As you engage the clutch the noice occurs?
When in gear and pulling the clutch the noice is still there?
When in neutral, no noice?
Does the noice come from the grearbox or shaft?... no so easy to tell apart sitting on the bike as you might think...
Is the power transmission, propelling, affected?
And, by the way -never- belive what another person claims that s/he has done and not done concerning services when you aquire an object... do the service yourself = then you -know- -what- has been done... (been there done that - hence my sceptisism and "trust" in my fellow man).
Friend of mine called me in a situation as you describe, but with loss of propolsion... broken splines in the shaft/bevel... sounded real interesting over the cellular -  ...oh,... he wasn't too happy... and he did not enjoy the comments from us riding -real- BMWs (airheads with shaft in oilbath i.e.)... -
¤ If propelling power is afflicted = it may be splines, somewhere in the power train... ¤
¤ If it is not afflicted... then you are facing a bearing that is more or less history... ¤
Drive Safely,