Spring is in the air and, judging by the generally squishyness of my front stoppers, the air is in the brake hoses.
So, full of good intentions and limited knowledge I bled the front brakes on my bike yesterday (88 K75C). I've never done the proceedure on my own before but have helped mates with it - and hey, how hard could it be right?
Encouragingly, I had a couple of air bubbles come out through the bleed nipple off the calliper (I used the clear hose into a glass jar method - hose end submerged in fluid, careful to never let the resevoir get below half full).
But what threw me was that everytime I pumped the brake, tiny, champaign size bubbles came up into the fluid resevior through the piston intake for the master cyclinder. At first I assumed it was air coming up out of the system so I kept pumpin', got through 2 litres of brake fluid and it never stopped. Hmmmmm.
Being a pessimist I assumed that one of the o-rings or a gasket in the MC was leaking. I've never done this proceedure on my own so don't want to rush to any conclusions.
One thing that did occur to me (the next day, of course) is that when I was pumping the fluid through to bleed the brakes I left the cover off the resevoir - could it be the lack of back pressure that caused the bubbles to appear?
Any helpful advice, hints much appreciated - open mockery no doubt richly deserved.
[This message has been edited by biskino (edited 13 June 2004).]