If you don't mind spending a few quid then here's one CanBus friendly gizmo that ticks just about every box you can think of in comparison to a more conventional fuse box set up:
PDM60 | Rowe Electronics
My last bike, which unfortunately was written off by some muppet car driver last year had a variety of gizmos attached which I'd manage to bodge up over the years. To the extent that if you took a fairing panel off it looked like some jackdaw had built a cozy nest inside.
In anticipation of getting a new bike I splashed out on one of these PDM60 modules as it seemed a logical solution to not only minimizing the wiring, but it also doesn't need any fuses. You can also programme (via a USB lead) what each circuit is rated to in increments of 1 Amp, and you can also add in delays to start up and power down of every circuit, anything up to 10 minutes after you've switched the bike off.
This means I should be able to make a nice neat job of adding power to my farkles from the word go. So far I'm adding the following items, all controlled from this unit:
1. LED fog lights
2. Main sat nav
3. *Powered (split) feed to both Mobile phone & 2nd sat nav (for IBA events)
4. Front mounted accident camera
5. Spare - to be used for future heated clothing
6. Rear LED fog light (why don't manufacturers fit these?)
*Using Ultimate Addons powered waterproof phone case & associated wiring:
Motorcycle Accessories
I refuse to tiptoe through life only to arrive safely at death
Last edited by UKRoadrunner; 21 Feb 2015 at 13:05.
Reason: forgot to add something