F650s with restricted engines?
welcome everyone - have been reading HUBB for couple of months but just registered and that's my first post 
i'm looking for DP bike for myself and narrowed - due to money matters - my choice to three bikes including BMW F650. 1995-6 models with about 50kkm cost about 2000 euros in Poland and that suits me fine. Most of them come from Germany, sometimes Switzerland, Austria, Italy...
I'm going to visit dealer who has 2 F650 for sale. Both made in 1996. One is from Switzerland and is said to have 25HP, other - from Germany - 34HP. As far as I'm concerned they should have something like 48HP...
Is it possible that engine restriction varies from country to country? Is it hard to de-restict it (carburetor? exhaust?)?
Another thing - browsing through huge German trading website ( www.motoscout24.de) I noticed that "GS" letters appear in bikes' names which were made in year 2000 or later, previously they were called simply F650. Does BMW added to the bike just those two letters or was it some major modification? (yes, I'm avare of Dakar versions)
Would really appreciate help,