G650X xChallenge questions
Hi all, I am the new owner of a G650X which I'm looking to take for a 6 month trek around South America. A couple of questions...
1. There seems to be a small amount of corrosion or a gritty/flaky surface around the internal of the oil filler neck. Normal? abnormal? BMW didn't seem to think it was a big issue.
2. If I run soft bags with the straps over the seat, effectively where a pillion would sit and strap the top dry bag in the same place is it worth getting some strengthening welded into the sub frame? It seems like touratech aren't selling the steel sub frame anymore.
3. It has a Hot Rod Welding nav tower which points slightly to the left, which although is not a big issue it infuriates me no end. the tower seems to be bolted directly to the frame, anyone who has one had a similar problem?
4. Anyone running a 15 tooth front sprocket? is it a big improvement at highway speeds?