Going off without warmin'up???
Hi everyone,
have had Japanese bikes all my life but recently been blessed with a GS1150ADV and I just can't help suspecting of what they say
in the (quite basic,I should add)owners manual
about "not needing to warm up your engine prior to roll"?,even sugesting in between the lines that if you do,you'll be doing worse...
It's not that you should wait till you've
had all normal bars on the temp° indication
but then,for how long?
What about using the spring loaded "air" manette on the left side of your handlebar?
souldn't it be used as little as possible or
should you start to roll and cancel it later on the road?
Would really apreciate any expert advice on this one.
By the way,GREAT BIKE!!!,guess I'll ride for
the rest of my remainig life.