GS1100 , (1999) front turn signal replacement
My 1999 GS1100 got bumped off the center stand, keeled over and smashed the left side turn signal. So a suitable new replacement set of blinkers was bought .
But now the nightmare begins. After undoing and moving the tank ,removing the windshield ,removing the beak front fender and the two lower side portions of the little shroud , plus the two Allan bolts holding to the "ears" and headlight/instrument cluster frame , and disconnected the little vertical adjustment pillar aft of the headlight.
My Haynes shop manual makes NO mention of this work, only how to replace a bulb .
The selling BMW shop( new owners) says it does not have any shop manual info for the 1999 GS bikes and after two days of searching the web I can not locate any source .
PLEASE , anybody , could you provide a step by step set of instructions for how I get at those turn signal stalks which are hidden deep ,away from prying eyes ? Maybe a link to an actual repair explanation on the web ? Truly great karakter  , but not conducive to quick roadside repair .
Last edited by Sjoerd Bakker; 23 Jul 2020 at 22:48.
Reason: add detail