Is battery gone?
Hello All,
It's the Bosch battery on my bike and stays there since at least 5-6 years. I don't know how much amphers does it have? Didn't take the battery out.
One month ago, I fully charged the battery (nearly 20 hours) before initial ride after winter. It happily run.
It was also last year, bike was getting start difficult. I guessed somethin was wrong with starter, becasuse battery was on and had enough power in it. Something else was wrong I guessed. It was more difficult in the morning at first start when the engine was cold.
It happened like this a few weeks ago and I crosscabled from a car's battery and bike started.
It was yesterday, I didn't ride my bike since one week. Bike was not starting easily also last week. I started the bike after some try (it was quite lazy) and ridden it in city traffic for nearly 8-10 mins. I was waiting at a red light and tried to take the first gear. Engine stopped and din't start again. It was only one sound of "though click". I thought it can be starter again. Then thought it is battery. I had the cross-cable to get power from a car. Asked for the help in crazy traffic of the city. No way, it didn't start.
Tried to start it with kick-starter. No way.
Will carry the bike home today and will recharge it for some hours and will try again if it works. Will change the battery to Odyssey in a few weeks time. Hope the problems gets solved. Othervise I guess I will need a starter ? !
Do you think it is battery which has the problem?
"where the traveller goes, nobody knows ! "